Chpt. 20: Percy's birthday!!

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Ariel's P.O.V
The next morning, Isabella and I got up early to surprise Percy with a party at the beach. After Jason, Leo, Annabeth, Isabella, and I finished setting up at the beach, Annabeth walked to the Poseidon cabin to wake Percy up.
Annabeth's P.O.V
I walked into the cabin and walked to where Percy Jackson was drooling in his sleep like always. "Percy, wake up... it's time for breakfast ." I said as he slowly got up and gave me a hug and kiss before getting dressed.
"Where are we going," Percy asked while blindfolded. "You'll have to wait and see." I replied as we walked passed the pavilion and towards the beach. When we got to the beach, I took the blindfold off and everyone said, "Happy Birthday Percy!!" His reaction was speechless. "Did you plan this, wise girl?" He said. "No, your sisters did." He walked up to the girls. "Thank you girls," he said as he gave them a big hug.

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