Chapter 4

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I heard loud knocking on the door. Bruno was calling me.
I went to the door and saw who it was, of course it was Bruno. I opened it and I see he's all anxious.
"Wait what the hell is going on. You're explaining this to me."
"Look my parents kinda.."
"What is it Catherine?" He asked concerned.
"They killed my sister.. I have no where to live so I have to go with my brother. Look I don't wanna talk about it." I said.
"Wait your parents are the sweetest people ever, they couldn't of." He said.
"I can't say anything, they're going to prison till they die.. My parents.." I started tearing up.
"You're gonna call me everyday and I'm gonna help you feel better, you're my best friend and always will be." Bruno hugged me.
"Bruno really, I don't know what I'd do without you. You've really helped me like no one else. Thank you so much."
"No need to thank me okay? I'm here for a reason and I won't go anywhere. Now do you want help packing?"
"Like I said, what would I do without you?" I smiled

It was 4:00 by the time everything got in the truck and ready. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to where I grew up though. I didn't know what I would do without my parents either. Everything is going to feel weird. No Bruno, no parents, nothing will be the same.
I thought nothing would be the same when my sister was murdered, now everything is one hundred percent worse. I don't know what's gonna happen.
"Bruno even though New York is awhile away, come anytime, my sister needs you." Isaac said.
He's right, I can't live without Bruno. He's my childhood best friend, like another brother, I won't survive. I gave Bruno a hug. I held him tight.
"I don't think I'll survive without you man, I need you right now.. Come with me please." I begged
"It's not possible-"
"Wanna come for the weekend? If it's okay with your parents, I have to come back to get my car anyways since I'm using a truck." Isaac said.
"Yes!!! I'll call my parents!" Bruno called his parents.
"They said no, but ya know I had to make them say yes."
I hugged him started jumping and screaming, I don't need a therapist. Bruno's my therapist!
We went to Bruno's house and he packed lightly and got in the truck. We got pizza and ate it in the truck, we were happy, like old times.
I'm gonna miss Bruno so much but right now I'm gonna try to focus on moving with my brother, not on Marisa or my parents or anyone; just my brother and I.
I feel like things are a little better before. Except I can't possibly forget about everything. I'll never be the same. I feel like the only person I can really truly trust is Bruno, my entire life has been good with him, him and I worked. We weren't those best friends who fought all the time or pretended to be and actually liked each other, we were truly best friends and could trust each other with our lives.
Bruno was singing, I had to put my hand over his mouth.
Although Bruno is actually a good singer, but I put my hand over his mouth to get him mad.
Now I'm getting tired and I tell my brother to turn off the music, then I lay on Bruno and fall asleep.

I wake up because I hear Bruno telling me to wake up. Of course I'm tired, I slept an hour last night. I passed out, I let my brother and Bruno get my stuff, I'm way too tired to get my own stuff.
This is bad.
I go to my brothers apartment and see there's actually a room made for me, after everything's put in there, even though it's a mess I lay in my bed and fall asleep again. I'm way too exhausted. This probably has been the longest day of my life.

4:07 am

Honestly, getting nightmares are literally the worst thing ever. Especially when it's about your parents, murdering you. All I can think about right now is why would my parents murder my sister? I mean, that's just not normal.. I know Marisa made a lot of mistakes, but she didn't deserve to be murdered because of it.
How could Marisa go though her own parents murdering her? I mean she obviously had to fight over mom, which is pretty easy..but dad? I wonder what they said to each other in the process. What did Marisa say to my parents.. How could my parents live with themselves even with just killing a person?
I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed a person, especially my own daughter. This may sound crazy, but if I were to ever do such a thing I would most likely commit shift after; I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
I try to go back to sleep but I hear someone's awake- Bruno comes through my door.
"I heard you crying. Wanna talk?" He asked.
I just hug him.
"I'm scared to live here honestly, what if I start getting bullied here.. I won't have you.."
"You'll always have me, if you're having a problem even if I'm busy you call my and I'll answer you. I promise."
It's almost 5, I get up and get something to eat. I hear my brother in his room, snoring of course. Isaac snoring is nothing new at all, but me living with him..kinda is.
"Let's sneak out." Bruno said.
I shake my head.
"It'll be fun, come on." He grabs my hand.
I go and get some stuff, like money and my phone invade Isaac notices were gone ever.
It's 5am and there's people walking around something new, in Pennsylvania no one would ever be walking around.
Bruno and I see there's a lot of places closed, which isn't fun because something we wanted to do was shop. Yes, Bruno always helps me shop.
But at that moment, everything had went black.

I woke up in a hospital bed, wondering what the hell is going on, why am I here? I see Bruno next to me on his phone. He looks extremely tired.
"Bruno.." I said.
"Hey, how're you feeling?"
"No, no, don't even ask what the hell just happened?"
"You fainted. Scared the living outta me."
"I miss my parents Bruno I feel like I have nothing, look they aren't here." I cried.
"I know you're not used to things like this but you need to get used to them. I'm sorry you have to go through this Catherine, you really don't deserve it." Bruno explained.
A doctor comes in.
"Hi love how are you? I'm gonna start you on some antibiotics okay? You have an upper respiratory infection along with this, have you had any pain in your appendix lately?" She asked
"Yeah.." I said.
"Don't seem so sad, I'm here to help you and everything's gonna feel better."
She's talking to me like I'm a three year old.. And I don't like that, at all..
I took the antibiotics anyway.
"We're gonna keep you here for the day, just see how you're doing and let me ask why were young people like you out at 5?"
"We just wanted fun.." Bruno said.
"We'll be more careful next time, now this one should get some sleep. Do you want anything to eat or drink also?"She asked.
The doctor came back with some French toast and orange didn't look so great but I needed something to eat, so I just ate it up fast.
Is life ever going to get normal? That's the question I've been asking myself all day, all night.. Forever.. I just need saving.

8:09 am
I slept for a good two hours which is something new for me. I stare at Bruno who's fast asleep and Isaac who won't stop staring at me.
"When did you get here?" I asked
"At least half hour ago." He said with a serious face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.
"Because I'm making sure nothing happens to my little sister again okay?"
I nodded.
From then, I slept until 5pm.
I never thought I would sleep so much because the most amount of sleep I get is about 4-5 hours. A nurse walked in.
"Catherine Stevens?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"These are your release papers, please give them to your brother to sign them. You can go home but the doctor wants to take a look at you before you go."
I nodded and gave my brother the papers. I could see the pain in my brothers eyes.. Him and I hadn't exactly talked after what happened with mom and dad. I felt things would be okay though, because he's here with me.
The doctor looked at me and I took some apple juice and got in the car.
"Want some McDonald's?" Isaac asked.
Bruno and I nodded.
I got a chicken Caesar salad and ate it right up and watched horror movies with Bruno. I never thought this day would come, where I move away from my best friend. I know I may hate my school and ninety nine percent of the people in it, but I would miss Bruno because we spend all of our time together.
"You're coming over every weekend, I don't care what your parents say. I'm gonna miss going to the library and finding amazing books together and then both of us spending the night together and reading it overnight. My life will be totally incomplete without you. Even on week days, everything's gonna be different." I said.
"Trust me I'll take a train here every Friday and I'm gonna tell you about Jacob and his annoying ass, nothing's gonna change we'll always be completely close, I promise."
And then we continues watching movies until 6 am on a Saturday night, yes, that's how I spend my Saturday nights.

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