Chapter 17: Anarchy in New York

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Spooky is in a police car. Another police car drives by with sirens wailing, a car is on fire. Spooky looks out the window. He saw rioters with white lab coats on, causing chaos and mayhem in New York City. He saw another car on fire and another police car drive by with sirens wailing. Spooky smiles. The rioters are smashing windows, setting things on fire, and looting. Spooky is in fact, amazed by this. He heard a bell rang at a store. The rioters set a car on fire. Spooky laughed a little. "Stop laughing, you freak, this isn't funny." The policeman who drives the car said. Spooky laughed a little more. "Yeah, this whole city's on fucking fire because of what you did." The policeman in the passenger's seat said. Spooky leaned against the window. "I know." He said. "Isn't it beautiful?" He asked. Suddenly a car smashes into the police car. The windows break. Spooky is knocked out and the two police officers are dead. Then a taxi drives forward fast and he flips over. It is upside down now. The rioters are cheering and celebrating. However, a person came out of the car, it was Evelyn. "Honey!?" She got worried. Hygord also got out. "We need to help him!" Hygord said. Evelyn opened the police car door and she picked him up. Then she placed him on the hood of the police car. "Oh my god..." José thinks that Spooky is dead. Until Evelyn feels his pulse still going. "He's still alive!" She shouted. Two police cars pass by the movie theater. A limousine is on fire. Some Gootraxians are fleeing from the scene. One rioter smashes a car window open. The movie theater marquee said:

Now showing

The Case of Cameron
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

The rioters are causing chaos. But then Curt, Whit Jr., and Marion exit the theater, they just got done with watching Barbie. They went to an alleyway. A rioter spots them. He then follows them. "Hey, Goos!" He shouted. The trio turns around. "You get what you fucking deserve." He said. "No! Pal!" Whit Jr. shouted. The rioter then fatally shot Whit Jr. in the chest. Whit Jr. falled to the ground, lifeless. Then the rioter shoots Marion in the heart. She drops dead. Then the rioter leaves. Curt is now alone, with the lifeless Whit Jr. and Marion infront of him. Spooky slowly wakes up. He saw that he is on the hood of a car. The rioters are cheering him on. Spooky then stands up slowly. He succeeded. The rioters are cheering louder. He then had some blood coming from his mouth. He spreads the blood in a smile and gives a big smile. The rioters cheered him on more.

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