So it begins

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Emma's POV

Things have officially gone to shit here, I'm not sure if this is nationwide or worldwide. People started acting strange a few months back but nobody really suspected anything. They looked like they were drunks, always stumbling and slurring their words. Then more people acted like them and it got worse.

The police came to our house and explained the situation. There's a virus going around or something, I'm not sure. All I know is that we need to get away from here because these people are basically zombies, I've been told to pack up everything that I need because we won't becoming back here. I have to pack up for my little brother as well while he helps mum with another thing. 

Then I heard a crash and ran to the living room. "EMMA GET ROYCE AND RUN!" I jumped at my mums words and screamed as I saw the..'things'. I wasn't even sure what they were, they looked dead but were moving, and breaking through the door! I grabbed 2 bags and grabbed my little brother. "Mum lets g-" a split second and they got her, blood went everywhere as I looked for someone to help us. My dad was nowhere to be found and my other brothers were already on a plane somewhere else.

I hid Royce's eyes from the scene, he's only 7, he didn't need to see that! I took off running towards my friend Nicole's house, it only took a few minutes to get there. "NIKKI GET OUT HERE!" She stepped out and ran over as soon as she saw the blood we were covered with. "What the fuck happened to you!?" I put Royce on a chair and told her what happened. We called Heidi and she arrived in her car within minutes. "What happened to my little Canada?!" After explaing things to her we decided to drive to the police station.

Once we started driving we only saw one thing, infected people. Heidi instantly tuned the car around and sped off. "SHIT SHIT SHIT. WHAT ARE GONNA DO?" I was getting scared and Royce still didn't understand. "Whats the matter Emma? is there something wrong with the people?" I tuned to him and back to Heidi. "Not now Royce, Heidi where are we going?" Heidi looked at me with an unsure look on her face as Nikki screamed for her to keep her eyes on the road.

We finally arrived at a safe place and discussed what we were going to do, in a very calm way. "WE ARE DRIVING DOWN SOUTH RIGHT NOW. YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT" "WE DON'T HAVE SUPPLIES HEIDI. THE CAR IS ALMOST OUT OF FUEL AS WELL." "EMMA, HEIDI, SHUT THE FUCK UP" Yes, very calm.

When we finally stopped yelling I convinced Heidi to wait and help us get supplies before we left. This started with heading to each others houses so we could get our belongings before heading to the shopping centre. I looked around "This place got deserted fast. although we have been hiding out for what, a month now?" Shops were half closed, windows were boarded closed and blood scrawled messages were everywhere. 

"Let's get some stuff and leave." Heidi walked towards a camping store. "Yes, your majesty!" Nikki said sarcastically as she walked to a pharmacy to get medicine. "Guess that leaves me and you Royce." We walked to the food stores and got as much as we could. A while later we were driving down a deserted road, away from our homes.

"Emma can you tell me whats happening now?" I looked at him and sighed. "People are getting sick, its making them go crazy. We need to get away from them and stay away" He nodded and looked out the window, "Emma, I'm bored." I sighed again, "This is gonna be a long drive"

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