Chapter 16

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Queen Yani paced back and forth in her throne room, her face a deep shade of red as she struggled to contain her rage. She was angry, confused, and most of all, scared. None of the men she had sent to capture Althea had returned, and her plans were rapidly unraveling. She hated failing, and she was determined to do whatever it took to succeed.

"Tarik!" she bellowed, summoning her loyal servant.

"Yes, my queen?" Tarik replied, bowing low.

"Put a reward out on that girl's head," Yani spat. "10,000 gold pieces to anyone who can bring her to me alive."

Tarik's eyes widened in surprise, but he nodded quickly. "Yes, my queen. I will see to it immediately."

Yani cackled with glee, her eyes gleaming with malice. She was confident that the promise of gold would bring her the results she desired. After all, money had a way of making people do crazy things.

Meanwhile, Althea was training with Yeilk in the village. She was determined to become stronger, to be able to defend herself against any threat. Yeilk was a demanding teacher, but Althea was a quick learner. She lunged at him, her sword flashing in the sunlight as she ducked and weaved around his attacks.

Yeilk was impressed by her progress, and he grinned as she landed a blow that sent him stumbling backward. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Althea exclaimed, rushing to his side.

Yeilk chuckled, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I've had worse," he said. "Let's continue."

The two of them clashed swords once again, their movements lightning-fast as they battled across the training ground. The villagers gathered around to watch, cheering and chanting Althea's name as she fought.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Althea emerged victorious, her sword pressed against Yeilk's throat. The villagers erupted into cheers, and Rubes rushed forward to congratulate Althea.

"That was amazing!" Rubes exclaimed, tackling Althea in a bone-crushing hug. "I can't believe you beat our chief!"

Althea blushed, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. She looked around at the villagers, who were all staring at her in awe.

"What do they mean I'm their chief?" Althea asked Yeilk, feeling a sense of confusion.

Yeilk smiled, taking her hand in his. "It means they have accepted you into our tribe as a leader," he explained. "And if you accept me as your mate, we can rule together."

Althea's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at Yeilk. She knew that in this world, a mate was like a soulmate - a partner for life. She felt a sense of excitement and trepidation as she considered Yeilk's words.

"Of course I accept you as my mate," she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yeilk's face lit up with joy, and he swept her into his arms. "Let's celebrate!" he exclaimed, spinning her around in a circle.

The villagers cheered and clapped, and Rubes rushed forward to congratulate Althea once again. "We have to get you ready for the celebration!" Rubes exclaimed, dragging Althea away to prepare her for the festivities.

As the sun began to set, Althea found herself being scrubbed and pampered by the village women. They dressed her in a beautiful white fur, adorned with gold jewelry and precious stones. Althea felt like a queen.

The villagers gathered around the fire, cheering and clapping as Althea and Yeilk emerged from his house. Yeilk took Althea's hand, leading her to the center of the village.

"We have a new chief!" Yeilk exclaimed, holding up Althea's hand. "And she has accepted me as her mate!"

The villagers erupted into cheers once again, and Althea felt a sense of joy and belonging that she had never felt before. She knew that she had found her true home, and that she would do whatever it took to protect and defend her new tribe.

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