Chapter 5

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Althea remained closely beside Rubes, feeling the weight of every gaze upon her. It was as if she were an oddity in this place—had they truly never seen someone of her stature before?

As they approached the larger homes, Althea observed groups of elderly people seated outside. Despite their advanced years, there was a surprising robustness about them; their muscles were defined, a testament to their enduring strength.

“Here we are,” Rubes announced, stopping in front of the most imposing house in the area.

Althea looked up, her eyes widening at the magnificent structure. It towered over them, its sheer size both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

“Ready?” Rubes asked, a grin dancing on his lips.

“I think so. He won’t eat me, will he?” Althea's voice quivered slightly as she contemplated the unknown.

Rubes laughed heartily, the sound echoing off the walls of the house, and encouraged her with a gentle tug inside.

“Brother, we are here,” Rubes called out, her voice resonating in the vast entryway.

“Brother?” Althea raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

“Oh, did I forget to mention that?” Rubes teased, shooting her a mischievous look as Althea narrowed her eyes at her in mock annoyance. She had suspected she was being playful.

“Tu satis diu.” [Took you long enough.] The voice was deep and gravelly.

“Don’t be a grump, brother. Althea, meet our leader, Yeilk,” Rubes introduced, gesturing toward the figure that approached.

Althea turned to face Yeilk and felt a chill run down her spine at the sight of him. He was a beast of a man—muscle upon muscle—whose very presence commanded attention. A shudder coursed through her body just from looking at him.

“Nope, not today,” she muttered under her breath, preparing to turn back toward the door.

But before she could make her escape, Rubes pulled her back into the room as Yeilk rose to his full height, towering over them. Althea was left momentarily speechless, her mouth agape, as the realization of just how massive he was settled in. Seated, he looked formidable, but standing, he seemed almost otherworldly.

“She’s small." Yeilk's statement hung in the air, heavy with implication.

“So?” Althea shot back defiantly.


“See you around, Althea,” Rubes said, flashing her a reassuring smile before turning to exit.

“Don’t leave me with him!” she exclaimed, panic rising in her chest.

“I love my life, Althea. I know better than to get in his way when he wants something.” With that, Rubes disappeared out the door, leaving Althea to face the intimidating Yeilk alone.

“How did you get here?” he asked, his voice booming yet oddly calm.

“Do you think I would be here if I knew?” she retorted, folding her arms protectively across her chest.

“Hungry?” Yeilk inquired, moving around the large room with an effortless grace that belied his size.

“No,” she replied firmly.

“Come eat,” he insisted, his tone brokering no argument.

“I said no,” Althea replied defiantly, her feet planted firmly on the ground.

“And I said come and eat.” A small spark ignited in Yeilk’s eyes as he turned to face her fully. If he thought he could command her to obey without question, he was sorely mistaken.

They entered into a tense stare-down; Althea was determined not to be the first to back down. It may not have been wise to provoke a man of such stature and strength, but she refused to be intimidated into submission.

“Venientes milites!” Yeilk broke the stare as another man entered the room. Althea turned her attention to the newcomer, uncertain of what Yeilk had just said. [Arriving soldiers.]

“Quot?” [How many?]

“Centum fortasse.” [Perhaps hundreds.] A shadow of concern passed over Yeilk's face as they exchanged serious looks.

Althea glanced between the two men, her interest piqued. She found herself wanting to learn their language. Perhaps Rubes could teach her later. Realistically, she hadn’t had much success with language learning, but she was determined to try.

In a swift motion, Yeilk pulled an axe and a sword from behind him. Each weapon appeared to be half his size, and Althea instinctively jumped back at the sight, feeling a rush of fear.

“Get Rubes venire et manere apud eam.” [Get Rubes to come and stay with her.] The command was direct and firm.

All Althea could glean from that was Rubes' name, which did little to ease her anxiety.

“Don’t leave this house,” Yeilk directed her, his dark eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her heart race.

“You can’t tell me what to do. I’ll leave if I want to,” she shot back, rebellious.

“You call for me, brother?” Yeilk turned back towards the door.

“Don’t let her leave the house,” Rubes replied from the threshold, his tone serious.

“No problem,” Yeilk said, with a nod before he exited, leaving Althea huffing in frustration behind him.

“In here it’s safer, trust me. The approaching troops could be enemies,” Rubes explained, his expression grave.

“Oh…” Althea replied, the reality of the situation sinking in.

“Come eat,” Rubes urged her, leading her toward a table laden with a mountain of food. “You’re very skinny and tiny. We need to make you big.”

Althea wrinkled her nose at the thought. No way did she want to look like the muscular women outside. She believed her body was perfect as it was and wasn't meant to carry that much muscle and fat.

Despite her initial hesitations, Althea picked at the food laid out before her. She knew it would be a long journey ahead, and she needed her strength, whether she liked it or not.

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