"Why him?!"

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Random thing based off of a headcanon i have, Lizzy is jealous of N because of how close he is to Uzi but refuses to admit that.
Also my apologises for the short chapter, i'll try write something longer if this actually gets any attention and people are interested in it!! :3

Lizzy and V were sat together in Lizzy's room, Lizzy was sat on her bed meanwhile V was on the floor listening intently to what her best friend had to say.
"that stupid Murder Drone just has to do the bare minimum and it works, she gets all 'wow N, that's so cool!' or she smiles, she laughs, she's happy.. I'm sick of it! Like, I'm glad she can be happy but why couldn't it have been with me?! I can't even talk to her anymore without getting embarrassed or resorting to teasing and bullying her because i panic and don't know what to say, and yet he's totally fine around her, how does he do it?! this isn't fair!" Lizzy rambles in a frustrated and obviously irritated tone as she speaks in an exasperated to V who is continuously nodding in response to Lizzy's words, she doesn't understand fully what's going on but she's glad to try and provide some kind of support to Lizzy, even if she doesn't understand everything that's going on, at least she's trying, right?

No way, a time skip who would've guess that?! /j

Lizzy lies in bed a few hours later, V had left to go get oil or something.. she didn't really remember, her mind was focused on something else. Phone in hand, her eyes were darting up at the ceiling then back down at her phone as she questions nervously over the words and sentences she should type out.
"What do I even say- or.. type.. in a situation like this? Uzi hates me, I'm sure of it! Not to mention it's most likely my fault though for being so rude to her. Whatever.. she's probably with that drone anyway, maybe I shouldn't bother.." She doubts with many thoughts anxiously racing through her mind but with a small amount of anger and regret for her words and actions towards Uzi. Lizzy then placed her phone down and sighed.
As if perfect timing, the soft buzz of a text message sounds on her phone and lights up the screen. She eagerly picks her phone up again and holds it nervously in her hand whilst scanning her robotic pink eyes along the screen awaiting to see who had texted her, she then noticed after a few seconds and stared at her phone in shock and slight excitement at the realisation of who had texted her.

(honestly i have no clue what to write now and it's almost 1am for me.. soo.. if i ever get the motivation and remember to finish this or write another chapter then i will!!)

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