One Sided.. Or Perhaps, not.?

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It had been a couple of weeks since Uzi and Lizzy had started to hang out, they were happily calling themselves friends and to Uzi's surprise, Lizzy was perfectly fine defending Uzi at school in other places when she needed to.

"I never realised how defensive you can get sometimes, i always thought your reasoning for defending things would be stupid." Uzi said with a look of teasing yet also surprise during one of the first times the taller drone had defended her.

"Not even a thank you to your amazing gi- best friend? ..How rude!" Lizzy responded with a joking and over exaggerated gasp, flicking her hair into Uzi's face with one movement of her hand. Uzi quickly moved Lizzy's hair out of her face and seemed to smile slightly at her being able to joke back so casually yet tried to hide the small amount of blush on her screen from her joking yet somehow cute actions, Uzi was constantly trying to hide her feelings for around a year, how she wished she had always been close to Lizzy instead of her friends. or V.. especially V. they were so close.. Uzi sometimes wished she could be in V's position, just how Lizzy had wished to be in N's. they could never tell each other this though.

"hey Zi? You okay?" Lizzy asked with a small look of concern and confusion, waving her hand in front of Uzi's face to try snap her out of whatever train of thought she was having. Uzi blinked a few times before staring up at Lizzy and nodding quickly, her response was simple yet informative.

"Yeah, i'm good." she spoke in reply to Lizzy's question then quickly turned away from Lizzy and finished her short sentence with, "I'm gonna.. go. i have to go.. uuh.. walk my dad's door or some other excuse. Bye Lizzy!" she said without explanation before walking off, leaving Lizzy alone in even more confusion than she was already in.

"Oh.. uh.. Cya around.." Lizzy replied, rather late as she was still processing Uzi's zoning out then excuse and suddenly leaving.
"What was that about..?" Lizzy thought nervously to herself, wondering why her friend had walked off so quickly. "Did i say something wrong? Ugh.. knowing me, probably. Maybe i should text her and say i'm sorry.. but then she'll think i'm desperate! Robojesus i need to stop thinking about this.. and her.." Was Lizzy's concerned thoughts to herself as she sat down at a nearby bench whilst anxiously tapping her fingers onto it, a repeated and heavy tapping sound was heard along with Lizzy's own voice still echoing with worried thoughts in her head.
"I can't think about her like that! We're friends! Just friends! Well, maybe best friends.. this is.. annoying.. and confusing. I don't understand this. At all. Whatever, Point is: I can't like Uzi in that kind of way. Not like she'd feel the same, anyway.."

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