A Not So Merry Christmas

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Lizzy was once again in her room, sat on her bed with her own thoughts conflicting her feelings as she sighed, muttering different words and sentences, letting herself be immersed by these thoughts and concerns. Hearing nothing, not even acknowledging the outside exoplanet or any types of noises which was strange for Lizzy as usually she would be gossiping somewhere with her friends, or talking to Uzi.. in secret, of course.. since she can't exactly share their friendship and express it out loud.. that'd ruin her school reputation, her popularity and everything she was happy with which she definitely didn't want to deal with. Not in a time like this, at least.. not when she was relatively happy like this, she had her mo- V, with her, she had formed a newfound friendship with Uzi, all while still being the most popular kid in school. She didn't want to give all that up! But then again, who would!? ..so there was silence. A continuous silence.. that then got broken by the sound of her phone chiming, causing Lizzy to quickly jump up and snap out of whatever trancelike state she was in. She sighed again, then quickly blinked a few times to clear her head. Once she was sure that her mind was.. Well.. slightly cleared, she grabbed her phone from her dresser and unlocked it to reveal a notification from a messaging app practically every drone used nowadays, 2000s social media was so a thousand years ago.

"Heeyy Lizzy, do u wanna meet up somewhere for Christmas? if drones even celebrate it, that is.. like, as friends. because it wouldn't be a date or anything.. obviously."
and then another message came in a few seconds after that. Most likely rushed to type and send due to the typos in the simple words and sentences.
This then caused Lizzy to smile, letting out a small giggle as a blush appeared on her screen, just underneath her eyes before quickly shaking her head back and forth a few times to get rid of it as she typed back, slowly as she thought out all of her words before typing a small sentence with precision and care. A lot more care than anyone would usually show in a simple text message to agree or disagree, appearing to be a lot more calm in her text than she actually was.
"suree, where do you want to meet? anywhere specific or should i just meet u somewhere?"
The continuous ... of typing replayed over and over, only for a minute or two before Uzi responded to Lizzy's question.
"uh.. idk. my dad's being kinda annoying so we could just go out somewhere? :3"
Lizzy smiled softly at this before quickly responding with a, "sure, i'll meet you at the same place from a few weeks ago?" to which Uzi then replied with a simple thumbs up on Lizzy's message.

(timeskip to them meeting up cuz i don't know what to write for that.. SORRY!!🔥💯)

Uzi was the first to talk, smiling nervously before pulling Lizzy into a gentle, yet still firm hug. "hey.. Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it? i do! Well.. sometimes i do." She spoke, her smile becoming more happy and less nervous with every word. Lizzy simply nodded in response before smiling back, trying to hide the pink coloured blush that was forming quite rapidly on her screen. "Yeah.. same. Depends if my dad can be bothered, Thad is usually pretty eager about it though." She replied before continuing, her tone sounding jokingly exasperated. "he woke me up pretty early this morning now that i think about it." as Uzi was now the one softly nodding in response, a happy smile as she listens and takes in the words Lizzy says. The two continue to converse, sitting themselves down at a table which looks.. awfully like they would be on some sort of Christmas couple date thing, however they hadn't seem to acknowledge this. Well.. Uzi hadn't. Lizzy on the other hand was staring at Uzi with a gentle smile as they both speak to each other, her blush from before a lot more prominent which she covers by resting her hand onto her mouth and part of her screen. She then paused for a moment. Just looking at Uzi and taking in every detail of her face, her hair, and everything else she could think of, this then made Lizzy have a small thought to do something, "just to see her reaction, right?" was Lizzy's thought to herself. She then slowly placed her hand on top of Uzi's, which was resting still on the table. At this sudden contact, Uzi blinked in surprise before nervously pulling her hand away, completely unaware that this sudden action would definitely give the other drone the complete wrong idea as to why she had done what she did. Lizzy didn't say anything, before speaking up to change the subject and hopefully draw no attention to what had previously happened.

"Merry Christmas, by the way. Since I kinda forgot to say that." She spoke, her tone laced with both nervousness yet calm confidence. Uzi smiled at her before replying, "Merry Christmas to you too since I..- also forgot to say it." Lizzy smiled back, the two now sharing occasional glances as they both can be seen with visible amounts of blush on their screens, Uzi looking at Lizzy while awkwardly tapping her fingers onto the table, just like when they had met up previously that few weeks ago after becoming friends, close friend even.
Despite the fact Uzi had pulled her hands away once, Lizzy hoped that this time would be different as she slowly and lightly placed both of her hands onto Uzi's, not saying a word as she did this. Uzi hesitated, unsure of what to say or do as she was now letting this small moment happen between them both, questioning whether or not she should pull her hands back and act as if it didn't happen like before, or if she should just.. continue letting it happen. Which is what she chose to do, letting it happen. Lizzy then began to get up from her seat, walking beside the table before walking close to Uzi, looking at her once more while blinking nervously like Uzi had moments prior. She took a breath before stepping closer to Uzi, her hand now resting on specifically the left side of her face as Uzi looked up at Lizzy, confused and nervous, but more importantly, extremely flustered as she let a moment of awkward silence outgo between them. Lizzy breathed a small and quiet as well as nervous yet content breath before slowly.. ever so slowly leaning a small amount over to Uzi's face, the two both seeming quite certain of what Lizzy's actions was going to be, and the fact they both seemed to not mind it at all. Uzi then got up after Lizzy did, looking calmly at her with a look of endearment before..

She ran away.
She had really left like that?
Lizzy was shocked by this, yet not angry, not at all. Not at all.. more just..
Extremely hurt as she quietly spoke to nobody but herself.

"Fuck.. i messed that up. I messed everything up.. but, Merry Christmas, Uzi.."

LUZI STUFF RAAH :3Where stories live. Discover now