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TW: Swearing and death.

Old Orchard Beach.

9:00 pm.

Four felt uncomfortable.
He didn't know why, but he did.
"Ha! Four, isn't this fun?" X asked, winning an old arcade game.
"Yeah, hey, X? I'm going to go out and get some air. I'll be right back."
He walked out after giving X a peck on the cheek.
Only minutes after, he heard a large crashing noise.
He spun, and the boardwalk had fallen.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck,"

He yelled as he ran back to X.

The entire thing was on its side. Also there was fire. A lot of fire.

He found X against a sloped, crumbling wall, covered in blood.

"X!!" He wailed.

"Four?" X asked.
"What happened?"

"The boardwalk collapsed! We need to get out!"

X sniffed.
"Don't let me slow you down,"

The part between Four and X crumbled, letting X slide into the water hundreds of feet below.

"X!" Four screamed.
He inhaled, forgetting about the smoke.
He fell to the splintered, grimy ground.


Four's perspective.
My eyes blinked open to reveal a VERY bright light.

"Holy shit, is this heaven?"

"Not with that kinda language," a lady snidely answered.
I looked over to see a woman wearing what looked like a nurses outfit.

I heard the beeping of a heart
A basket of blue and yellow flowers sat by my hospital bed.

X's favorite...

"IS X OKAY?!" I yelled, startling the nurse.

"..." she didn't reply.
She handed me one of the flowers.

I broke down sobbing.
I cried myself to sleep that night.

-memories 1———-

"Well, we don't have a bottle..." X frowned. Four picked up a pencil. "This'll do."
They spun it and held hands.
It stopped, pointing at Fours firey plush.
"Haha! Looks like fireys gotta read his DIARY!"
-Dream 1————
"Hey- did this work?" Came the muffled voice of X.
"X! I thought you died!" Four gasped.
"I did."

Four ran at X for a hug, tears falling.
"I miss you," He said.

"I miss you more, foury." X sighed.
"But I can't reverse time. We can't go back."

(Insert ii lightbulb above fours head)
"Two might!"
"Two's depressed, you of all people should know that."

"But he could fix this!"
"I would rather not bother him unless it is a serious occasion!"

Four screamed.
X broke down in tears.
"I'm sorry," Four said.
"I'm so, so, sorry.

He woke up.

This chapter was so depressing that I actually forgot to eat my cake.
Anyway, cya next chapter!

(Btw thx for 500 reads on my original book y'all are amazing)

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