2: The dead and the desperate

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Four arrived at Plus'es house.
For some reason, Two was there.

Hey, wait....

"Yeah, Twos upstairs in my bedroom,"
Plus said, grabbing something from the fridge.
"Can I get you something? You look upset."
Then she asked.

"Where's X?"
Four broke down in tears.

Plus looked puzzled.
"Hey! Hey, it's okay!"

Then it clicked.

"Why are you here?"
She asked.

"I need to talk to Two."


"Why are you in here?"
Two asked.
Four mumbled something unintelligible.

"X is dead." Plus whispered to Two.

"Oh shit."

Four muttered.
"I was thinking you could bring them back."
"I mean, I could try to build a machine, but all my powers are gone, remember?
I gave them away to the winner of TPOT."

"Actually, a machine, you say? I know just who to ask."

Golf Ball picked up.
"Hello? Who is this?!"
Plus filled her in.

"Huh?" They heard from another side of the room.
They heard mumbling and TB gasped.
"We'll try- all the recovery centers were destroyed a while ago, though."

You wake up in a white space.
You can barely tell what's around you, but it resembles your old house.
You call out.
Okay, you can interact with living beings.
You hear him mutter:
"If only you had asked earlier,"
And he calls two old friends.

I am so sorry this was so short lol
But it was important.
Also this was me writing the first chapter (I did not make the art)

Also this was me writing the first chapter (I did not make the art)

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Okay byee cya next chapter

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