7: Powerful Enemies and Peaceful Endings.

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I am sorry if this is late, there is a shooting in a town near me and were on lockdown. I am terrified, so please, don't be mad.

Four dragged X from the ice skating rink. X was unconscious. Not dead, unconscious. At least, he hoped. When they were out of the rink, he propped them up on the curb. Thank god, they were breathing.

X's eyes opened, slowly.
Four waved his hand in front of X's face.
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Three...?" X muttered.
"You're alive!"
X chuckled, then recoiled as it seemed to hurt them.
"Where's minus?" They asked.

Four glanced at the rink, which was covered in this dark, dark liquid.
It seemed to pulse as if it were alive.

"I haven't heart from my parents yet." Four said.
He stared at the red/purpleish sky.
"Oh, shit." X said.

Four glanced at X, surprised.
"I suppose I should call an Uber."
Plus sat in her house chatting with Two.
"What do you think will happen after this?" He pointed to the TV.
On the television, it showed the skating rink Four and X were just at.

They heard the floors creaking downstairs.

After that it was all a blur.
Plus watched, hiding from Minus.
Minus, she used to trust.

Two, she loved, truly.
Two, two was shot.
Shot in the heart.
No doubt he was dead.
Plus was shot in the leg.
She would recover.

The one thing she remembered exactly:

She killed Minus.
Took his gun and shot him on back.
He would pay.
No amount of jail time would justify what he'd done.

Pluses' eyes opened ever so slightly.
Four and X sat next to her.
She was alive.
Before she could drift off again, her eyes shot open, realizing what happened.
"F*CK" She yelled, a sharp pain in her leg was growing until it felt as if she was about to blow up.
Four and X spun.

"Is Two... okay?" She grunted.
Four and X looked at each other.
"... I'm sorry."
Plus sighed. "I should have known before saying yes that this was a risk."
"If only..."She trailed off.
"I just wish I could have done something," Plus muttered.
"You did," X said.
"You killed Minus!"
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Plus said.

She sighed. "I'm... I'm really going to miss him," A tear fell.
Then a stream of tears.

The stress was eliminated, just as the threat was, but the grief stuck around for years.
Everyone missed Two, but nobody missed him like Plus did.

After a bit, the heartache dulled and the tears dried, but one question remained—
What comes next?

(Thank you, for sticking with me. I am so sorry this was so short, but even though this is completed, I will add character q+as, so if you have any questions be sure to ask. Thank y'all so much, and I love y'all. This really means a lot to me, and this last chapter was the hardest to write.)
-OMG, signing off.

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