Six: Corrupted Control

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(Was watching Star Trek Discovery and in the middle of an almost kiss scene a character /tpd in and I almost shat my pants)

X was over at Four's house. It was near Christmas time now, and most threats of Minus were disintegrating.

The two sat in Four's room, gnawing on sandwiches.

"Hold on..." He said, with a mouthful of Turkey and Cheese.

"You're non-binary, right?" He questioned X.

"Mm-hmm," X finished off their PB/J.

"Then what do I call this?" He pointed to X, then back at himself.

"..." They both sat for about a minute, pondering this.

"Aha!" X yelled. "They-friend!"

"That works..." Four said. "But anyfriend works too,"

"Uhm... beloved one?"

"You're weird." Four laughed.

"You are too!" X said, giggling.

Seven, X's father came in.

"We're heading to the ice-skating rink, wanna go?"

The couple immediately stood up and joined them outside.


X got on their skates with much more ease than Four, who was stuck in the "Warm Up Room" for about five minutes.

"I'M HERE!" Four announced, his voice echoing throughout the rink.

Someone in the back said, "No one asked"


Four got on to the rink with the help of X and.... fell.

"Dammit- ice is slippery..."

"What, did you forget?" X chided him.

"Ugh. Why did I agree with this." Four jokingly mumbled.

Both of their parents stared longingly into the couple trying to help each other.

"Why are they so perfect..." Four's dad asked.

"I remember my son saying he wanted to be a star, a show host... I never thought he'd be gay."

"Eh, gay has two meanings, Quatro. Happy, is one, and another is loving one of the same gender. In their point of view, they mean the same thing."

"Did you, Seven, perhaps major in Philosophy?"

"How could you tell?"


The two of them managed to get Four up and going.

"Wow, you're not bad at this!"

X said, amazed at how well Four was gliding.
"I used to do this all the time with my old friends, before we moved," Four was cheerful, yet seemed to miss them.
"Yeah. Hey, remember when we saw that little couple dancing?"
Four nodded. The two they saw... it was almost like they'd practiced it a million times.

"I think we know them."
"Huh?" Four was puzzled. He didn't know anyone in a different relationship- only theirs.

They saw the two dancing the same dance, plus clutching something behind her.

When they finished, Plus kneeled.
They couldn't hear her, but knew exactly what she was saying.

"Will you marry me?"

Two stood there. Amazed. His heart racing, he said,


X squealed as the both of them kissed. The ice rink stopped as if the world had been put on hold.

Only in that moment, Plus and Two skated out happily and it was just Four and X.

In that moment, it seemed nothing could have changed.

In that moment, the world as they knew it shattered.

He entered and everything stopped. The walls, covered in this dark, black liquid, it was almost as if it was reaching towards them.
"RUN," Four yelled.
They skated as fast as possible out of there and slammed the door.
They kicked their skates off and got chairs—ANYTHING they could find— to barricade the door.
Anyone left in the skating rink was either dead, consumed by that "corruption" or after them.

They had to run. Anywhere but here.

I didn't have a rough draft for this chapter, so there's no pictures... :( but I'm so sorry it came late! I am happy to announce that Plus and Two are engaged, but... uhhhhhh minus... yeah.

Oki bye.
(New word high— 623 words!!)

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