Chapter 13 A Yokai's' trust

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Chapter 13 

A Yokai's' trust

A week had passed since Issei's fateful encounter with Kohana and her kits. The small, abandoned house in the heart of the forest had become their refuge. Despite its humble state, Issei had been working tirelessly to make it more habitable. The sound of wooden nails being hammered into place echoed through the house.

The house, though still in disrepair, showed signs of improvement. The missing doors had been replaced with makeshift ones, offering a modicum of privacy. A broken forge in the corner hinted at Issei's attempts to restore it to working order. The floor tiles, once cracked and uneven, had been painstakingly fixed.

All of Issei's belongings were now neatly organized in one room, creating a sense of coziness amidst the wilderness. An irori, a traditional Japanese sunken hearth, provided warmth and a place to cook food. It was also where they slept, close to the comforting flicker of the fire. A Zen garden, meticulously raked and tended to, offered a peaceful escape. Nearby, a working grinding stone stood ready for use.

Issei had also dedicated a room to a functional irori, complete with a pot for cooking. The destroyed wooden lanterns inside had been replaced, their soft light casting a warm glow in the evenings. Outside, the broken small stone outer walls were a work in progress, but they hinted at a protective boundary.

Among Issei's tools, a sharpened Japanese hatchet and the working grinding stone were essential for his daily tasks. He had a humble, poorly carved wooden hammer that had seen better days, but it served its purpose.

His personal items, including his phone, a medkit, a school bag, and a solar charger, were neatly arranged in a corner. A flashlight was at the ready for any emergencies. Clothing for school and non-school days were carefully hung or folded.

A small bookshelf held a collection of twelve books that Issei treasured. Titles like "Rodale's Basic Organic Gardening," "Beginners Guide to Carving," and "Ways to Create Wooden Tools" spoke to his diverse interests.

As the days passed, trust between Issei and Kohana had been slowly building. They often found themselves sitting around the irori, sharing stories and thoughts. Today, the overcast sky cast a dim light through the windows, creating a serene atmosphere.

Kohana, her nine tails neatly arranged behind her, looked at Issei with a curious expression. "Issei," she began, her voice gentle, "I've been wondering, why do you live all alone in the middle of this forest?"

Issei paused for a moment, the weight of his past bearing down on him. He finally sighed softly and decided to be honest. "I used to have friends, or at least I thought they were friends," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But they were... not the best influence on me. I ended up becoming like them, and it disappointed my parents. It was like a slow descent, one poor decision leading to another."

He continued, his gaze distant as he recalled those difficult times. "One day, it all came to a head. My so-called friends were peeping on some girls, and when they ran away, they didn't tell me why. I was left behind, caught, and it was the last straw for my parents. They had had enough."

Issei's voice grew quieter as he admitted the painful truth. "They abandoned me. The only thing they agreed to do was to pay for my scholarship, but I was on my own otherwise."

Kohana listened attentively, her expression a mix of empathy and understanding. She could appreciate the complexity of life's twists and turns.

Issei glanced at Kohana, his eyes meeting her golden orbs. "I know it might sound strange, but I prefer being alone here. No one else comes into the forest, and I don't have to worry about strangers or people judging me. It's just... peaceful, in its own way."

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