The beginning

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I wake up and stretch my hooves and I turn over on my bed groaning because I'm too tired to get up to start the day but I have to.

I get up and yawn while I pick up my hat with my magic horn and I trot down the stairs and open up the door and walk out of my house leading into a small town called ponyvile with very few pony's walking around

I look around to see anypony that I know of that is up at this time but I do not sadly and I trot along to go on a morning walk

"Good morning pinkie!" I said as I pass pinkie pie

Pinkie pie is a nice pony but sometimes she just gets on my nerves even though she's my friend

As I keep on walking I walk into raritys shop called carousel boutique because she told me she got done making some new hats that she thinks I would like

"Good morning rarity! I'm here for those hats you where talking about?" I say with a gentle smile as I raise my hoove and moving it in a circle motion

"On yes!" Rarity says with glee
"I made them just for you darling! And they are 50% off! Just for you dear!" Rarity brings out the cart of hats with her magic and my eyes widen due to how pretty the hats are

"Wow rarity! These hats are beautiful! Please let me pay you full price I can't just underpay your beautiful work!" I say as I turn to the bag across my waist and start pulling out bits (money)

"Oh honey no! Stop it! You're my friend and all friends get stuff for less!" Rarity says smiling

"Nonsense!" I say shaking my head and pulling out 12 bits and putting it on the counter

"I'll take that red and blue hat it matches my mane and coat" i point to the hat so she will know which one I'm talking about while I smile softly

"Darling please just give me six bits I'll promise I'll live!" Rarity says as she gets down the hat for me

"Nope! Nope! You have done so much for me! Please let me pay full price." When rarity got done putting the hat in the bag she gave it too me and I took it from her with my magic

"Whatever you say dear. Thank you again nintendo!" Rarity says waving goodbye to me

"Bye rarity!! Cya next time!" I say as I walk out of her store and Trot down ponyvile

//hm I'm in the mood for music right now..//

I say as I Trot down thinking to myself
I pull my earbuds and pull out my pone (phone) and start playing some music

Until I get interrupted by a blue and white mare with red eyes

"Sweet what music you listening to? I see you are sure are jamming out to whatever you're listening to!" Dj pon says troting beside me

I take off my earbud

"Oh just a mix of labfox,icp,msi, and other songs" I say laughing

"Icp,labfox,and msi? You do not look like the person who listens to that!" Dj says shocked but impressed with my music taste

"We'll have a good day nin! Cya around!"

Dj walks away

I Trot away happily, as I'm walking I see my best pony friend Bonnie so I go and run up to her

"Bonnie" I yell in joy

"Oh nintendo hey!!" She says waving her hoof at me with a wide smile on her face

When I caught up to her I started to pant due to the long run that was only a few feet away.
When I caught my breath I finally spoke

"Would you like to hang out with me this evening? I have no plans other than feeding my cat" I laugh softly as I look at Bonnie for her response

"You know what.." she puts her hoof on her chin
"Why not! We haven't hung out in a while" she smiles happily showing her teeth

I was so excited I could jump all the way to the moon!!!

"That sounds amazing!! Do you want to hang out at my place or..??" I say questioning her

"Hmm.. how about, a restaurant!" Bonnie says happily

"I know there is a new smoothie restaurant down the corner from rarity's shop! Wanna go to it?" She says excitedly

"Yes of course! Would you mind going now or no?" I say

"How about we go now! I'm so thirsty" she says swaying her hoof out infront of her and putting it down.

"Sounds great to me!" I smile happily

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