The big green thing

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when nintendo and Bonnie arrived at the fancy new restaurant they where both in awe due to how clean and well done the place was, staff everywhere and tables open for everypony to sit at.

Nintendo and Bonnie decided to sit at a booth near a window so they could enjoy the nice view of pony-vile, as they where both talking to each other catching up on each others life a waitress comes up

"Hello! Welcome to the big green thing where all is made of greens! How are you two lovely lady's today!" The man says in a cheerful tone

He was a unicorn and his coat was a nice dry purple color with white being his mane color, he also had beautiful brown eyes and he was a pretty handsome stallion from what I've seen yet around here

"I'm doing lovely why thank you" I say back kindly putting a smile on my face

"Well that wonderful" he laughs

"Have you two thought of what you wanted yet? If not it's ok and I can give you more time!" He says in a reassuring tone

I look through the menu and pick out my drink and order it, Bonnie does the same after a while I would always see the waitress looking at me... and not in a good way. Even tho his words were kind not his glances. He would look at me with a blank stare no smiles or nothing. But a blank expression. It was creepy I have to admit but maybe he's having a bad day? Or maybe it's his first day on the job

As I got caught up in my thoughts thinking about this mystery waitress he comes trotting over with me and Bonnie's drinks

"Here you go lady's!" He says kindly as he lowers them down on the table using this magic

When he pulled himself back up he gave a wink.

"Gross.." I thought to myself
What is wrong with this guy? And why is he acting like this?? What a complete weirdo..

After when me and Bonnie finish up our drinks me and Bonnie split the bill 50% for both of us

As we both started to walk about the mystery waitress ran up to me

"Hey!" He says panting

"I.. I thought you were very pretty and I wanted to know if I could ask you out for dinner?" He says with a wide smile that was creeping my out

I think about the offer. "Free food.. but also.. the weirdo.." I think hard.

"Sure why not my names nintendo by the way and yours?" I say raising a brow

"Uh.. I uhm my name is uhhh Jax! My.. my name is jax" he says looking at the ground smiling to himself before he looks up at me

"So.. 6:30pm..?" Jax looks up and gives me a wide smile

I give him a small smile back nervous "yea.. sounds good" I say to him

After when I said that he nodded his head and started trotting in glee

"What a weirdo.." Bonnie said whispering to me

"Yea I know." I say sighing
"But hey, free food is always the best"  I say smiling

"True, but he seems like he knows you.. are you sure you haven't met him yet?" Bonnie says worried

"I'm sure I haven't met him yet, I don't really see the big deal" I say brushing the thought off my hoove

Me and Bonnie starting to walk together talking about life problems and mare stuff, when I got to her house I waved goodbye and trotted to my house before I stopped in my driveway seeing a black silhouette in my window.

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