Meeting it

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Nintendo ended up walking home, not in a rush just taking her time, until she stopped at a alley way due to some movement coming from down there

All she could see was movement of something white

"Is it a bunny or a cat?" She thought to herself as she approached this mystery creature

"No, to big to be a cat.. or a bunny, more like a dog" nintendo said to herself looking at the thing

"Wait.. it has a cutie mark..?" She looked closely

"My cutie mark?!" Nintendos heart dropped looking at.. herself on the ground..

"Hello..?" Nintendo spoke out

"Are. You lost..?" Nintendo said again

The creature stood up, and it was definitely bigger than nintendo had imagined.
The creature turned around with the same expression that selkie had given to the thing she saw in her second floor window

"&:&9/83)4&£]+_=,!\¥¥_=_+&:&3@-"  said the creature

Nintendo backed up looking at the creature who is speaking gibberish

"What.. the fuck are you" nintendo says in a low tone as she backs up

"72919i3791m839:7y3829o4728u" the creature says

//I'm you//

Nintendo starts breathing heavily and runs away until she feels a magic force Field around her the creature was using its magic to pull back nintendo into the alleyway

"NO STOP LET ME GO PLEASE" Nintendo try's moving but can't

The creature pulls nintendo close and drops her on the ground and clears its voice

"iM yOU nINtEndO, PleAsE doNT ruN aWay"
The creature says putting down its ears while still smiling

Nintendo pauses.

"Maybe it's not that bad" she thinks to herself

"Okay.. I won't, run away.. but you have to promise me you WONT hurt me" nintendo says in a harsh tone

The creature backs up
"I wONt i pROmiSe.." the creature says sadly

"Okay then.." Nintendo says as she sits down

She clears her throat in awkwardness

"So.. why do you look like me.." Nintendo looks the creature up and down

"Almost like me.." she says squinting her eyes

"i DOnt knOw.. i WoKe uP hERe.." the creature says

"Do you.. have a name?" Nintendo says questioning it

"NiNteNdO" it says sitting down with a blank smile

"Okay... uhm.. how's tendoin? It sounds like nintendo but different" Nintendo says laughing softly

"tEndOiN..?" They say tilting there head and smiling wider than before

"i liKe tHAt.. tHanK yOU" tendoin says while they stand up

"Do you not have anywhere to go..? You can uhm.. go to my place." Nintendo says while she sits up and starts walking

"ThAnk yoU" tendoin says as they follow nintendo

At Nintendos house

Nintendo walks in the house perfectly while when tendoin walked in they hit their head due to how tall they where

"oW" tendoin says in pain

"Sorry, I forget that you're very tall" Nintendo says while laughing

Tendoin with the same smile walks in Nintendos house and takes a deep breath as they walk around

"sO wHEre dO i sLeeP-" Tendoin says before getting cut off

"Couch." Nintendo says without hesitation
"You sleep on the couch and no where else" nintendo says pointing at the couch

Tendoin nods their head

After when they get in bed, nintendo in her bed and tendoin on their couch

Tendoin wakes up. They look around the house before walking out of the house after when they close the door they start slowly walking to Bonnie's house...

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