It was you

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Nintendo stares into tensions beady eyes as she lights up her magic on her horn

"It was you.." nintendo said mad while still crying

Tendoin sighs and smiles deeper as they look at nintendo

"I wish it hadn't come to this nintendo." Tendoin says in a normal voice.

Nintendos starts breathing heavily as she runs out of her house to get away from tendoin

Tendoin follows her too by basting the door open  and running after her shooting magic at her while they gain up

"YOU CAN RUN FOREVER." Tendoin says as they slower creep closer and closer to nintendo by inch

Nintendo makes a sharp turn and turns into a local park she remembered from a while back

The sharp turn caused tendoin to slip on their front hoove and trip but as they got up and started to run, they yelled a blood curdling scream representing Bonnie's scream before she died.

Nintendo ignored the scream as she continued to run away from tendoin trying to find a place to find in

They stop for a second and look around realizing they have no where to hide.

She was done hiding from her fears

As she heard tendoin creep up behind her she turned around lighting up her purple glowing magic on her horn

"I hate you." Nintendo says in a cold voice and she shoots magic at tendoin and it hits them

Tendoin look down at their arm where nintendo hit them

"You think that hurt? You are pathetic." Tendoin says tendoin as they lights up her magic on their horn

Nintendo panics and droops her ears down with tears pouring out of her eyes more heavily

Nintendo knew she was going to die
But she was not just going to let herself die without a fight

She scraps her left hoove on the ground like a bull would and lights up her magic and shoots it at tendoin again

Tendoin shoots her magic at nintendo too causing both magics to meet each other. But one was stronger..

Nintendo saw as tendoins  magic  got closer

And closer..

To her  horn.

Nintendo closed her eyes and she felt the pain of powerful magic shoot right onto her body.
Hearing her horn crack was the last thing she remembered before passing out.

3 hours later

When she woke up all she could do is cry in pain as she looks at the large puddle of fresh blood around her when she tried to stand up she screams loudly her open wounds stinging no matter where she moved

She limped and slowly walked.

Very slowly..

She knew the hospital was only a few blocks down and she knew she could make it if she tried too..

She limped
She dragged
She cried
She screamed
She was in pain

But after a long 20 minutes she was there and the nurses and doctors inside gasp at her sighting as they ran out to her


A doctor nods at they run inside getting something to carry them in

Before nintendo even got onto the carrier she passed out again and woke up on her right side in the hospital

A nurse was sitting in front of nintendo watching her wake up

"Are you ok sweetheart?" Says the nurse looks at nintendo

(First person)

I didn't respond but I tried turning over but the nurse quickly yells at me to stop

"Please don't do that dear! We have you on the only side you aren't hurt on!" She says worriedly

"What do you mean only side..?" I say in confusion

"Honey.. your whole left side of you is. Torn apart .. I don't know what happened to you but whatever happened must've made your horn.. break off.." the nurse says as she looks down

"My... h.. horn..?" I say as I put my hoof on my horn just to feel sharp jagged pain in my horn as I touched it

"My.. horn.." I say repeatedly
I started to cry it's all I could do I had no other thoughts

I missed my friend, I miss how my life was, this "thing" tendoin.. took everything away from me that I loved.. my horn.. my body.. and my magic..

I'd rather be dead right now. Just to end everything. I don't want to be here anymore..

Before I spoke to myself in my mind the nurse cut me off

"Honey. I'm sorry to break the silence but. Your wound will take you over a month to heal due to your body being 50% damaged." She says warning me

"That's ok." I say quietly

"I have no where else to go.. I'll tell you that" I say as a tear runs down my cheek landing on the fabric on the bed and seeping through the sheet

"I'll.. I'll leave you be.." the nurse says while getting up and walking out the room

All I could do was just think to myself and think about who I am now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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