The End

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hi. this is the last chapter of this story you can go see my community section for more info. i have new stories coming out so stay tuned for that. thanks for reading and enjoy the finale!

Shelby's POV

A sudden, sharp ping disrupted my cozy moment, with my head resting on Will's shoulder. His laptop screen flickered to life, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Wilbur! We got a reply!" My voice practically reverberated off the walls.

Will, still half-asleep, blinked at the screen. He mumbled, "W-what?" while rubbing his eyes awake. I eagerly opened the email, but as I scanned the words, my heart plummeted.

On the screen, a discouraging message stared back at us:

"Apologies, but the hall will be used for exams in the next few weeks. If it weren't, I would have rented it out to you. But you should really be studying instead of planning parties."

Wilbur finished reading, let out a sigh, and began to ask, "Now what do w-"

Suddenly, his phone erupted into a loud, chaotic ringtone. Startled, he grabbed the phone, muttering, "Oh gosh, please don't be my dad," before answering it. The voice on the other end was so thunderous that I could hear it clearly even though the phone wasn't on speaker.

"Tommy?" Will asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "You don't have to yell, you know? Calm down."

"WILBUR! SHELBY! I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN HOLD YOUR DANCE THINGY! MEET ME AT SCHOOL IN 5 MINS!" Tommy's voice echoed with uncontainable excitement. Wilbur and I scrambled off the floor, grinning wildly at each other. As we dashed toward the front door, I couldn't help but hold his hand, our fingers interlocked, excitement bubbling inside me. We really should have been studying, as our principal had suggested, but I never wanted Scott to experience that profound sense of despair again...

I had to help him, and deep down, I knew that Jimmy would be the key.

We arrived at the school, where Tommy and Tubbo stood waiting by the gate.

"Oh, they're here," Tubbo remarked calmly.

"WHERE!?" Tommy practically shouted.

"Calm down, bro," Tubbo said, placing a reassuring arm on Tommy's shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh at the stark contrast between the two friends.

Tommy regained his composure and said, "Oh, there they are. Follow me, guys." We obediently trailed behind Tommy as he led us behind the school and up a hill that revealed a breathtaking sight—a large, open clearing surrounded by trees, the perfect setting for our event. The grassy field begged for strings of twinkling lights, and poppies seemed to bloom everywhere.

"Tommy, thank you, thank you!" I squealed, rushing to give him a heartfelt hug. I pulled Tubbo into the embrace, and Wilbur joined in. Tears of gratitude welled up in my eyes. "You have no idea what this means to me."

Wilbur's POV

We spend the rest of the evening going up and down the hill and getting supplies for the party. I start putting up lights and Shelby brings tables up. Despite Shelby being so small she's incredibly strong. We lay out picnic mats and Tommy and Tubbo work together to arrange some flowers. Well at least Tubbo arranged the flowers I don't really know what Tommy was doing. But I was already thankful that he helped to find this place and I was so proud of him.

At the end of the evening we all layer on the picnic mat with our school books open. Our principal was right, we really did have to study with our exams so soon. Shelby had to help me with math because o honestly suck at numbers, and I helped her with History. The stars came out and we began to pack up. Tomorrow was going to be amazing for Scott and Jimmy.

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