3. Fever

229 17 17

short chapter

Jisung entered the office the next morning, happily greeting all the employees while heading towards Seungmin's cabin. 

"A very good morning Seungminnie! How did you sleep yesterday– What happened to you?" 

Seungmin looked up at the latter, black shading under his eyes.
"Get out." 

Jisung stalked up to his superior's seat, hands in the air out of concern. "What's wrong with you, why do you look so pale? Did you even sleep yesterday?" 

Seungmin glared at Jisung. "My problem is you. You actually decided to run away from your tasks to spend a lovely time with your boyfriend, you horny ass." 

Jisung ignored all the words Seungmin spewed at him and reached out to touch his forehead. "God damn Seungmin, you're hot!" 

Seungmin slapped Jisung's hand away, "Thank you very much for making me aware of my own looks." 

Jisung huffed and puffed out his cheeks, hands on his sides. "Kim Seungmin, I'm not joking. You must not stay here anymore, go home please. Or else I'll drag your ass out myself." 

Seungmin focused back on his laptop. "I too am not joking Jisung, when I say I'm going to cut your salary."
Jisung gasped and knelt in front of Seungmin dramatically.

"It was just one day, Minnie! You cannot do this to me." He wailed, hitting his head on Seungmin's thigh. 

"You have done a great service, Han Jisung. Because of you Ms. Soohee is getting an increase in her salary for doing her work diligently." 

Jisung looked up at Seungmin, pouting. "Seungmin, you can't blame me for not coming back. Minho-hyung looked so damn hot when he invited me, I couldn't resist."
He pouted more. 

Seungmin faced Jisung. "Your pout works on Minho-hyung, not me. So, good luck working hard to get your salary back. Now scram." 

Jisung stood up excitedly, eyes shining. The pout had worked perfectly. 

"I love you too, Seungminnie. I'll make sure to work hard to get my salary back." He left the cabin, not before blowing a kiss towards the younger.
He came back though, slamming the door open. 

"Make sure you take these pills or else I'm dragging you home." Jisung slammed the paracetamol on the desk and went back. Seungmin smiled and popped the bitter pill in his mouth.

It was eight when Seungmin completed his work. He, of course, had dozed off for two hours straight after consuming the pill. He had felt better, but the fever was coming back, followed by a skull crushing headache. 

The employees all bowed to him as he went down the basement. Maybe driving a car was a bad decision, but it is better if he reaches home quickly. 

The drive to the apartment was barely 20 minutes. His vision was getting blurry and the headache was getting worse. 

Why the hell did he have to live in a literal skyscraper? And that too a penthouse. 

He leaned his body, letting his cheeks hit the cold metal of the elevator. A girl came in, smiling and eyes unable to leave Seungmin. Seungmin too returned the smile. He had to keep his composure and try not to faint in front of her. She thankfully got down on the 48th floor. 

Seungmin could feel his knees go weak. Come on Kim Seungmin, just a few more steps and you'll be home and then you'll be better. He reached the top floor and could see the door to his apartment.

He really didn't have any reason to fall sick like this. Maybe getting wet in the rain, the day before yesterday was a bad idea, with the sleepless nights. 

What was the passcode again? He pressed the numbers 0325, only to get a sound of rejection. Too bad, that was the password of his phone. 

Maybe his body temperature had crossed 104°C, his brain going delirious. He slid down the door, panting, pulling on his tie and unbuttoning a few buttons. 

2220, his brain supplied. Maybe, he tried to turn and reach out to punch the buttons. His head spun and everything went black. 

Shoes clacked on the floor, as he reached the last floor. He saw a figure slumped in front of his house. He rushed and knelt down, shaking Seungmin. 

"Kim? Kim Seungmin, wake up. Oh gosh, you're burning up." He punched the code in and dragged Seungmin in. 

Seungmin wished it was reality, as he mumbled a thank you to his saviour. His body ached, but it was fine now, since he was in his home now, safe. 

And he fell into a deep slumber.

Fever- en(d)hypen

I almost didn't realise that the last chapter was updated on jisung's bday. well then happy birthday to the quokka, chicken and mongmong <3

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