Sweet Chaos

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"That caused a ruckus in the club. I trust you two to look into it." Changbin said, closing the file and handing it to Minho. 

He continued, "Jeongin, I hope your first case is solved mostly by you. I need to hear you being in action, so good luck." 

He reached to hold Jeongin's hand and rubbed them soothingly, also giving him the softest smile. Jeongin smiled and awkwardly removed his hands from Changbin's hold. On the other hand Minho gave him a look of disapproval. 

They left the station and got into Minho's car. "Don't get your hopes too high, kid. This case may seem stupid and easy to you, but it won't be." Minho said, tone a bit serious. Jeongin nodded politely and looked out of the window. 

He sighed internally. 

Jeongin had chosen this job because he is proud of himself for being observant. He can clearly see how Minho doesn't like him being a talented rookie and stealing the spotlight. Especially when their senior Changbin has taken an unexpected audacious liking towards Jeongin.

They reached the club, where the people present last night were standing in a line. Minho put hands in his pocket and went around the club. Jeongin asked each of them the time till they were in this place. 

One by one, they were dismissed, leaving five people looking all nervous. 

Jeongin started, glancing once at Minho who was looking around the bar stall.
"I hope you know why I have stalled you here. You all were present during the time when the crime took place, according to the manager. Now will you please tell me exactly what you were doing. I know this question sounds stupid, when we are standing in a club, but please cooperate."

A guy named Jisung started, "I was wasted and kept dancing with this guy right here." he said, pointing to the guy who introduced himself as Hyunjin. 

Another person, all blonde nodded quickly. Felix was it?
"Yeah, I saw them grinding on each other, before I passed out." Jisung hissed at him. 

Jeongin nodded and wrote it in his notebook. He then turned to the other two. The next guy had puppy-like features, and he kept fidgeting, rubbing his clammy hands.
"I just had a drink by the bar stall and passed out. Yeah, that's what had happened." Felix nodded at that too. 

The other guy with handsome features smiled, showing his dimples. "I was simply sitting by the couch, chatting with these gentlemen right here." pointing at Seungmin and Felix. 

Jeongin nodded and then raised his brow. He pointed the pen at Seungmin. "You said you were sitting by the bar stall, and he said that you were by the couch." 

Chan spoke up, "He was with us, then went that way." 

Yeah, obviously

Minho came scratching his neck, "Nothing seems out of place. I don't get why the manager even decided to call us. He didn't even specify what had happened. This is a pure waste of time." Jeongin glanced at him and nodded. 

Hyunjin popped up then. "Where is the manager anyways? Shouldn't he be also present? What if he is involved? And the fact there aren't any cameras here also is very odd." 

Minho glared at him, "Aren't you very observant?" Hyunjin shrivelled and hid behind Jisung. 

Jeongin looked up at the corners, 'The culprit knew that there aren't any cameras here, and committed the crime. What crime though?'

After a few minutes here and there, Chan starts fidgeting a lot and sweating. 

Minho scowled, "Is something wrong, Mr. Bang?" Jeongin turned behind to see Chan, as Minho came near him too. Chan swiped a knife out suddenly, pulling both Jeongin and Minho in a chokehold, knife at Minho's jugular. 

"Leave us all out of it, please? Yeah, I'll let you guys go." He breathed heavily looking at the others too. At that moment, Seungmin also slowly takes his steps back, eyes shifty. 

Jeongin grabs at Chan's hand hard, not letting go, as Jisung kicks him from the back, making him lose the grip on the knife. Jeongin twists his arm and pins him down and Chan cries in pain.

When the chaos died down, Minho thanked Jisung, while Jeongin questioned a cuffed Chan. "Why did you do it? And what did you steal?" 

Chan shook his head and cried, "It is not me. I didn't steal anything."

"Then why did you attack and threaten us?" 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to get out of here. I have little kids waiting at home, spare this old man." 

Felix gasped from the side. "Liar, you were flirting with me yesterday, saying you're single. Yes, you said this to me before I passed out." 

Minho looked at Felix in disbelief, "Why did everything happen before you passed out? Makes it seem like you're lying." Felix quickly zipped his mouth and hid behind Hyunjin.

From the corner of the eye, Jeongin saw Seungmin taking steps towards the door. "Hey, stop right there." 

Seungmin panicked and ran for the door, before Hyunjin slammed himself onto him. 

Jeongin cuffed the struggling Seungmin, who finally broke down.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't want to do it. It looked so pretty and even he supported me, so I stole it." 

Hyunjin crouched down beside him, giving him a side-eye, "He? What did you steal?" 

Minho came forward and pushed Hyunjin beside, "Hey, you're no one to interrogate him—" Jeongin tried to stop Minho and Seungmin pointed towards the handsome officer. 

"He and I stole the disco ball because it looked pretty!" 

Everyone turned stunned. 

"Minho-hyung?" Jeongin asked. 

Minho clicked his tongue, "You had to tell my name, Kim Seungmin. And you" he pointed towards Chan, "if you didn't intervene, Seungmin wouldn't have gotten scared." 

Jeongin stood up and faced Minho. "Is it true, Hyung?" 

Minho closed his eyes and opened them dramatically. "Yes, under the influence of alcohol, I and Seungmin stole the pretty disco ball, valuable to this club and ran away." 

Everyone gasped and Jeongin felt failure. For once, he failed in being observant. And everything beeped in his surroundings loudly.

Jeongin opened his eyes slowly, blinking at the ceiling a few times. He looked at the two bodies beside him and made his way out of the guest room. 

Seungmin and Hyunjin were already sitting at the table. He plopped down on the chair and Hyunjin smiled and greeted him good morning, also passing the breakfast to him. 

"I'm never living with you guys again." 


Sweet chaos- end

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