Okay you guys, I'm about to get
seriously real. What happened to Mikey was total shit and I hate that he got hurt because it kills me to see anyone hurt. Why do bad things always happen to amazing people. I mean, look at everything Mikey has done for us, and some people may think he's not the most attractive in the band, but thousands of girls do! And he is truly amazing, this boy caught on fire and is still smiling for us. I lost both my parents in car accidents and it terrifies me that I could lose the people I look up to most in life so quickly. And I swear on my life that I will protect everyone I ever get the chance to meet, even if they are complete jerks. I love Mikey so so much. He's kept me strong and I'm gonna be strong for him. And if he ever gets the chance to read this one day, I love you man. Mikey is a great, strong, caring guy, and he deserves all the love in the world for everything he does. And imagine the guys, how terrified they must of been. Think of the fandom. We are literally all in this together. We bought tickets for this never ending train of friendship. And I'm willing to pick up passengers on the way of you are. I love you guys. Mwah😘