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Jeemin woke up with a heavy pounding headache, feeling weak and vulnerable. The room spun around her and she could barely open her eyes. She knew she was sick and dreaded the thought of facing the day. But as she struggled to sit up, she found comfort in the gentle presence of her girlfriend, Yunah, standing by her side.

Yunah's face was etched with concern as she gently ran her fingers through Jeemin's sweat-drenched hair. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Yunah said softly, her voice filled with love and reassurance.

Jeemin managed a weak smile. "Morning," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Yunah held out a glass of water and a small packet of pills. "I brought you some medicine. Take it, it'll help with your headache," she said, her voice filled with empathy.

Jeemin gratefully accepted the offering, feeling grateful to have someone like Yunah by her side. As she swallowed the pills, she couldn't help but think about how lucky she was to have found such a caring and selfless partner.

Yunah gently helped Jeemin sit up, arranging the pillows behind her back for support. She then disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a tray filled with a bowl of steaming hot soup, sliced fruits, and a piece of freshly baked bread. Jeemin's eyes widened at the sight and her stomach growled in response.

"Yunah, you didn't have to do all this," Jeemin protested weakly, touched by Yunah's thoughtfulness.

Yunah chuckled softly, settling down on the bed beside her. "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Taking care of you is something I enjoy. Besides, you're not alone in this. We're in this together," she said, placing a comforting hand on Jeemin's arm.

Gratitude filled Jeemin's heart as she realized how lucky she was to have someone like Yunah, who was willing to go above and beyond to make her feel better. As she savored the warm soup and the wholesome meal, Jeemin couldn't help but feel blessed to have found such a soulmate.

Throughout the day, Yunah continued to be Jeemin's rock, ensuring she took her medication, bringing her hot ginger tea, and providing endless comfort and care. She read to her, cracked jokes to make her smile, and held her hand whenever the pain became too much to bear.

As the hours passed, Jeemin's headache slowly started to dull, and her body began to regain some strength. It was in these small moments of respite that Jeemin truly understood the depths of Yunah's love.

Night fell, casting a comforting darkness over the room. Jeemin nestled into Yunah's embrace, feeling a sense of security wash over her. They whispered sweet nothings, their voices mingling in the quiet room.

"Thank you, Yunah. I don't know what I would do without you," Jeemin whispered with a contented sigh.

Yunah brushed her fingertips gently against Jeemin's cheek, her voice filled with warmth. "You never have to worry about facing anything alone. Together, we can conquer anything that comes our way. I love you, Jeemin."

And in that moment, Jeemin realized that love was not only about the grand gestures, but also the small acts of kindness and unwavering support.

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