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Moka and Chanelle had been together for three years, their love seamless and undeniable. Moka was known among their friends as the clingy girlfriend, always wanting to be by Chanelle's side. While some found it endearing, others couldn't help but tease Moka for her constant need for attention.

One sunny afternoon, Chanelle came up with an idea to play a little prank on Moka. She wanted to see just how much Moka relied on her constant presence. Chanelle knew it was risky, but she couldn't resist mischievously testing the limits of their love.

As the clock struck noon, Chanelle put her plan into motion. She decided to ignore Moka completely throughout the day, not answering any of her calls or messages. At first, Moka brushed it off, assuming Chanelle was busy with work or caught up in some other task. But as the hours passed, Moka's worry grew into deep distress.

Moka's mind raced with thoughts of why Chanelle would abruptly act this way. She replayed every moment from their relationship, searching for any signs that might explain this sudden change. Moka's heart ached as minutes turned into hours without any word from Chanelle.

Finally, as the day drew to a close, Chanelle gathered her nerves and prepared to reveal her true intentions. With a small velvet box in her pocket, she had planned to propose to Moka and make their love official. But she had no idea just how devastated Moka had become throughout the day.

As Moka sat on their couch, her eyes red from crying, Chanelle could no longer bear the weight of her prank. She approached Moka, dropping to one knee, but before she could utter a word, Moka exploded into a fit of anger and sadness.

"How could you do this to me, Chanelle?" Moka choked out. "I thought you loved me, but all day, you've ignored me. I can't take it anymore!"

Tears streamed down Chanelle's face as she tried to explain herself. "Moka, please, you have to listen. I wanted to surprise you, to ask you to marry me. But it was just a prank gone wrong. I never meant to hurt you."

Moka's anger slowly transformed into confusion as she stared at the trembling figure before her. Through her tear-filled eyes, she saw the box in Chanelle's hands, and her heart skipped a beat. She realized what had been happening all along.

Suddenly, the room fell silent. The weight of the misunderstanding hung heavily in the air. Chanelle, still on one knee, took a deep breath and opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Moka, I love you more than words can express," Chanelle said, her voice quivering. "Will you marry me and make me the happiest person in the world?"

Moka's anger dissolved completely, replaced by a mix of surprise, joy, and overwhelming love. She fell to her knees in front of Chanelle, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" Moka exclaimed, tears cascading down her face.

Their friends, who had secretly been hiding in the next room, erupted into cheers and applause. They had been patiently waiting for the perfect moment to reveal themselves, witnessing the rollercoaster of emotions that had unfolded.

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