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Yunah and Jeemin had always been an odd pair, drawn to each other despite their contrasting personalities. Yunah, a vibrant and outgoing girl, thrived on the energy of social gatherings and loved the thrill of a late-night party. Jeemin, on the other hand, was a quiet and introspective soul, finding solace in the calm corners of their shared apartment.

One fateful night, as the clock struck 11 p.m., Jeemin found herself waiting for Yunah with growing impatience. She paced back and forth, her eyes fixated on a picture of Yunah that adorned their living room wall. The photograph perfectly captured Yunah's radiant smile and mischievous spirit, reminding Jeemin of the whirlwind of emotions Yunah could unleash in her.

The minutes felt like hours to Jeemin, and a deep frustration began to bubble within her. She couldn't help but curse under her breath, the impatience gnawing at her from within. Thoughts spun in her mind, wondering why Yunah always seemed to prioritize the thrill of partying over their time together.

Finally, the jingle of keys interrupted Jeemin's thoughts, and the front door swung open. Yunah stumbled into the apartment, a little unsteady on her feet, a telltale sign of a night filled with revelry and drinks. Even in her slightly intoxicated state, Yunah's eyes locked onto Jeemin, a spark of desire flaring within her.

Unconsciously, Yunah pinned Jeemin to the nearest wall, her lips finding Jeemin's hungrily. It was a raw, impassioned moment as Yunah's hands settled firmly on Jeemin's waist, drawing her closer. Jeemin, momentarily taken aback by Yunah's unexpected display, soon surrendered to the intense sensation of their heated kiss.

As the kiss deepened, Yunah's intoxication began to fade away, replaced by a newfound clarity. She pulled back, her eyes searching Jeemin's face for any hint of resentment or disapproval. Jeemin, her breathing ragged, met Yunah's gaze with a mixture of longing and vulnerability.

"Why do you always run off to parties, leaving me here?" Jeemin whispered, her voice tinged with a hint of hurt.

Yunah sighed, her fingers tracing gentle circles on Jeemin's back. "I'm sorry, love. I never meant to make you feel like you don't matter to me. These parties, they're just a way for me to unwind, to escape the everyday chaos. But I understand now, I need to find a better balance."

Jeemin nodded, understanding the turmoil Yunah battled within herself. She too wanted Yunah to find joy and liberation, but she also yearned for a deeper connection, rooted in the quiet moments they shared together.

The night sky hung outside their window, each star whispering tales of forgiveness and understanding. As Yunah pressed a tender kiss to Jeemin's forehead, a silent promise of love and growth passed between them.

From that night onward, Yunah and Jeemin embarked on a journey to find a balance that honored both of their needs. They discovered creative ways to incorporate Yunah's love for parties into their lives, allowing Jeemin to occasionally join her. And likewise, Jeemin introduced Yunah to the simple pleasures of a night spent in, cocooned within each other's arms.

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