✰ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛- 01 ✰

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another new morning at kim's
as usual. Everyone is having breakfast while chit-chating gladly
exept one person who is non other than "kookie"

He is having his breakfast
Wordlessily, gazing towards his daddy who is gladly feeding his brothers with his own hands.

He always wish to eat by his dad's hands but didn't have valor to ask him.

"Mwama, pacie-pacie" gukkie, jungkook's younger son uttered in his baby voice trying to grab his pacie from his Jennie's hand.

"Kookie what's wrong baby, where are you're zoning out?" Taehyung questioned
to kookie who is engrossed in his own world.

"H-huh, nothing dada I'm fine. " Kookie replied with a slight smile on his face

( V and vantae called tae daddy and kook dada. Same goes to kookie, gguk and jk they call jungkook daddy and taehyung dada)

"Let's go now babies, shall we? " Jungkook asked while picking up Jk and V on his each arm.
Forgetting about kookie who is also standing wordlessily behind them.

"Baby babies, have a good day! " Jennie uttered cheerfully waving her hand towards them.

The others also bid their good bye by kissing on their forehead and waving their hands...


"H-yungie, can I also sit beside you two" kookie hesitately ask to his both brothers who were sitting on car's front seat

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"H-yungie, can I also sit beside you two" kookie hesitately ask to his both brothers who were sitting on car's front seat.

" You, and sit with us. Eww please stay away from us, you will us dirty like you, yuck! " Jk presumed rudely and hardly pushed kookie making him fall down with a loud thud.

Kookie's head hit on the ground with a loud thud, at the next moment kookie's cries

" A-hhhh, h-yungie hurts" kookie whimpered loudly at the sudden pain in his head.

"What's happening here?" Jungkook questioned while coming towards them.

V and jk gulped hardly as they saw Jungkook coming towards them.

"D-daddy, kookie was trying to snatch my project and when I protested to give him, he hit me hardly and fake crying himself now" Jk lied innocently, trying to save himself.

"A-aniyo, d-daddy I didn't hit h-yungie. He was the one who pushed me." Kookie said and sobbed loudly.

" No dada, jk didn't do anything, kookie is the one who hit jk first" V said trying to save jk.

At the next moment the slapping sound ecoed there. And guess what ❓ instead of listening to kookie he slapped him across his face hardly.

" D-daddy they're lyi--" Kookie cutted off bye jungkook.

," Stop this drama of yours before I throw you out, useless sh*T"Jungkook yelled at poor baby kookie who was now sobbing silently shutting his mouth by his palms as he don't wanna make his daddy more angry.

The other two smirked at each other as there plan was successful.

Soon jungkook drove to their school,


"B-bye babies, be a good boys, okay?!, I don't wanna hear any complain about you two, got it! " Jungkook warned jk and V.

"Yesh daddy/dada we won't do any mischief " The other two replied innocently.

Kook smiled and lovingly pecked their forehead
before heading back to his car, ignoring the existence of kookie,
who was looking at them like a lost baby, craving for his daddy's attention.

He used to wait for his daddy's hugs and kisses everyday. He always wondered that maybe his daddy will love him today like he does to his brothers.
But in reality that day never came.....

"Now the real fun will begin" Jk said.

V and jk smirked at each other before heading towards their classroom, following kookie who was trying to ignore them as he already know what's going in his brothers mind

To be continued........

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