✰ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛- 09 ✰

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"JUST SHUT UP..! If I'm not silent then It doesn't mean you'll keep talking rubbish whatever comes to your mind..! He is also my son just like you, oh no no ! he is way more better than you, atleast he have manners to talk with elders unlike you..!" Jennie said in anger and left from there leaving a last glance at jk who  were hanging his head low, not bcz of guilt but pure anger visible in his eyes anger, he is  still thinking that his mom dad were taking his brother's side.

Jisoo & taehyung also left from there with dissopoinent in there eyes. Now jk were left all alone there. He were just planing to make kookie suffer as much as possible.

"Just wait and watch kookie how I'm goona make you suffer In this house, just bcz of you mumma slapped me, my daddy also punished me Just bcz of you everyone is dissopoint me..! I will not let you go this easily kookie you will suffer.....!" Jk muttered to himself, clenching his jaw. He just want kookie to suffer.


On the other side kookie came in his room and locked it hurriedly so noone can enter there. He sat down in a corner turning off the lights and let his all emotion come out. His cries can be heared outside. Jk's harsh words were still roaming in his mind.

  somewhere in his heart he also started beleive on jk's word. Ofc his little heart can't bare it at all. Top of cherry that word "burden" were making him insecure. He is also a child, he also need love and care.  It's not like noone loves him but jk's word made him manipulated his  mind.

Is k-kookie is really a b-burden on e-everyone..? w-why h-hyungie feel  a-ashamed to c-call me his b-brother ?  W-what is k-kookie's f-fault ? Kookie were muttering to himself being all insecure. He was crying really hard yet silently bcz of which he started feeling dizzy like really dizzy and the next moment everything got blank and his unconcious body fell down.

Meanwhile jennie reached there followed by jisoo & taehyung. Taehyung tried to open the door but failed as it was locked from inside. He softly called kookie.

"Kookie-ah..! My baby please opened the door baby. Let dada come inside bunny" taehyung said but got confused as he didn't get any responce from kookie.

Jennie was crying bcz of anxiety while jisoo were trying to make her calm.

after a lot of tries they didn't get any response from inside which make s them worried to hell. Then something hit taehyung's mind.

Jisoo..! Where are the spare key which I gave you yesterday ? Taehyung asked as jisoo thought for awhile and spoke.

"Uh..oh! I remembered I kep them in my locker. Wait lemme bring them" jisoo uttered and headed to their shared bedroom after awhile she came back with a spare key of kookie's room. Jisoo immidietly extended keys to taehyung. Tae took the keys from jisoo and unlocked the door. And the next scene made them gasp.

______To be continued.......

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