✰ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛- 14 ✰

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"i- iu" A faint whisper left from jungkook witnessing the lady in that photo frame.

Only hatred and anger can be seen in jungkook's orbs which was having an unknown emotionless tears.

He looked up at jk with pure raising anger and asked, " Where did you get this frame huh?"

Jk said nothing and just crying silently

"Jk I asked something, DIDN'T YOU LISTEN!!" Jungkook yelled a bit

Jk flinched badly and hugged jisoo tightly while sobbing more loud

And that's it! Jungkook lost his patient and pulled jk off from jisoo who protested but it was no use

The next moment everyone gasped as jk yanked jungkook's hand harshly

Jennie try to touch him but jk pushed her a bit making her stumbled.

" JK BEHAVE!!! SHE IS YOUR MOM!" Jisoo warned but jk doesn't seem to care

She and my mom huh -scoffed- It's not like she is my real mother or anything!! MY REAL MOTHER ISN'T WITH ME JUST BECAUSE OF THAT LOVELY SON OF YOU--"


JK cut off by a harsh slap as his face turned to another side

It was jungkook who slapped him. His eyes literally turned red by now cause of the raging anger popping inside his veins

"ENOUGH!" Jungkook yelled

He gripped jk's jaw making Small pout formed on his lips cause of the tight grip. Jungkook's intense gaze literally made chills runs down his spine

" Hmmm So, what you were saying ? Your mother huh!

Keep that in your little mind boy, that If you mention this woman after today! Then no one will be worse than me. GOT It?!" Jungkook asked coldly

jk immidietly nodded and let out a whimper cause of jungkook's tight grip on his jaw

Jungkook noticed it and left his jaw with a jerk

"I want you in my room at sharp 8 pm, I wanna clearsome things with you" jungkook said coldly while jk just nodded lowly hanging his head low

"I need words!" Jungkook said sternly

jk flinched and immidietly nodded "Y-yes appa I will come"

"Hmm you better otherwise you know me better" jungkook said in cold tone and left the room.

Jennie also looked at him, dissapointment were painted on her face not expecting this kind of behaviour from her son whome she loves to the core of her heart

But today's behaviour of jk made her heart broke into pieces, she was hurt, dissapointed and what else you can expect from her ?

Giving a last glance at jk she wiped her flowing tears and left the room. The others also did the same

"Never expect this from you jk. You just made us all dissapointed on you!" saying this jisoo also left followed by tae

Meanwhile Jk fell down on his knees sobbing hard and regreting for each and every single thing he said, But what else he can do now exept crying and regratting?

Suddenly jk felt someone's presense behind. He stopped crying for a moment and looked behind only to witness a small figure of kookie, who's having a bowl of ramen along with some homemade cookies plate in his hands

Kookie was expecting a yell or slap from jk but to his surprise nothing happened like this. He was happy but after seeing his brother crying he felt like crying too

He placed the food aside and also kneel down infront of his brother while having a little pout on his lips.

Kookies lips quivered a bit indicating that he's gonna cry at any second

Jk imidietly tilted his head up and got shocked seeing kookie sobbing mess like a baby and honestly jk felt the urge to hug his little brother

"H-Hey why are you crying?" Jk asked cluelessy

"c- cause you're crying too! that's why k- kookie asho crying" kookie replied while crying cutely rubbing his eye with paws

Jk looked at him in disbelief like seriously! He wanna laugh hard at his brothers silliness

"But now I'm not crying kookie" jk said with a slight chuckle

kookies ear perked up by his hyung's chuckle. He immidietly wiped off his tears and smiled brightly like wasn't crying like a baby awhile ago

They both were talking and honestly jk felt good by enjoying kookie's company , but then his gaze fell on kookie's hand from which blood was oozing out.

He gasped and immidietly took kookie's injured hand in his while kookie looked like nothing happened

"Your hand is bleeding kookie! wait lemme bring the" jk said worriedly as he was about to got up but kookie stopped him

"No-No hyungie, It's just a little scratch, I'm fine" kookie said sweetly being overwhelmed by the care of his hyung

"Are you freaking serious kookie! Your hand is bleeding and you're saying I'm fine!" Jk said a bit loud in disbelief

"Wait here lemme bring aid box, and dare to move even an inch from here" jk said sternly and ran into his room

After awhile he came back holding an aid box in his hands

He made kookie sit on couch and sat beside him

"Show me your hand" jk said worriedly

"But why?" Kookie asked innocently

Jk face palmed himself at his stupidness

"Of course to treat your wound stupid bunny" jk said as kookie got shocked as jk called him bunny for the very first time. He felt happy tho!

Kookie forwarded his injured hand while jk start treating him

Kookie hissed as everytime ointment cotton touched his wound

"It's alright kookie, it will be over soon" jk said softly yet worriedly

Soon the treating session ended as kookie jumped from couch and picked up the food tray which he kept on table earlier

He placed it on sofa infront of jk who's stomache growled in hunger as they both laughed cutely

"You know hyungie I made this cookies especially for you, taste it and tell me how's it" kookie said in exitement while waiting impatiently for jk to taste his kookie and praise him

jk smiled and took a bite of a cookie and woww! It was really delicious

"Mhhhhh dwid you rweally made this kwookie?! I wove it! It's sho yum!" Jk muffled while stuffing his mouth with cookies

Kookie squealed in happiness and he too picked a cookie and munch in happily

They both felt really happy spending their time with eachother for the first time

To be continued......

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