002 | part 1

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TRACKS / GN READER• not established • part one• tw :: mentions of gang ,, violence ,, death ,, human trafficking ,, lmk if theres anything else that needs to be tagged as a warning

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• not established
• part one
• tw :: mentions of gang ,, violence ,, death ,, human trafficking ,, lmk if theres anything else that needs to be tagged as a warning


" officer (l/n) ,, this is your new partner ." was what you heard from the chief ,, setting down your drink and looking up to meet the large mech in front of you . he was one of those cybertronians from space ,, here on earth for some reason . you didnt keep up with the news as of late ,, busy mourning your previous partner who had died in a recent crossfire between a gang that you two had been tracking for some weeks now . " hello ,, it's nice to meet you ,," you nodded to the brightly colored mech . " it's tracks ,, and it's nice to meet you as well officer ." he replied . his voice was different from what you've heard before in your life .

silky and velvety ,, as though it would be from the most expensive of cloth around the world . it was that of one you would hear from those rich british men who came overseas and always had something to complaim about . yet ,, he didnt seem the type to do that .

" well tracks ,, hope youre good with long term cases ." you snicker to yourself before taking a quick sip of your drink and opening the case file to the previously mentioned gang . " my previous partner and i had gotten somewhat close to arresting these punks ,, but things happened and they ended up escaping ." tracks got down to one knee ,, his arm resting over his leg as he peered over your shoulder . you saw the chief leave the room out of the corner of your eye ,, and resumed your focus to the file .

" what gang is this ?" tracks asked ,, scanning over the words in the file . your hand came to your chin ,, explaining what you knew so far of the crooks . " they deal with human trafficking ,, kidnapping women who stray a little too far from the street lights to sell and trade on the black market . they've also been known to be the result of a few mass murders down town in some clubs ." you take another quick sip from your drink ,, flipping the pages . " last we saw them was in an alley of a bar ,, leaving in a limousine . so i'm guessing they've either got a hella lot of money ,, or they're good business partners with those who do ."

tracks nodded ,, taking in the information better than you'd assume he would . maybe you were expecting a few disgusted looks or a gag ,, yet received nothing of the sort . " do you know their usual routine yet ?" he asked ,, helm turning your way . " kind of ,, though i'm not sure it really can count as a routine . the most active they are is on wednesday nights ,, usually in allies of bars or clubs . the closest i had gotten to getting a lead on them was two weeks ago ."

" what happened ? im assuming you didnt figure out where they went ,," he tilted his helm to the side . " some others were behind me an' my partner ,, they shot at us a bit . one of their bullets grazed my partner ,, and ever since i havent been able to work on the case ." you casted your eyes to the side ,, remembering the night . adrenaline had pumped vigorously through your veins ,, trying your damnest to steer clear of the bullets flying past the vehicle . you did manage to steer clear of them ,, though at the cost of your partner getting severely injured . the images of it flooded your mind ,, squinting your eyes close and taking another sip of your drink .

" sorry for your loss ." tracks murmured lowly ,, unsure of what to do . you only shook your head ,, brushing it off . " doesnt matter ,, just be sure youre ready later tonight for a bit of patrolling ." you waved your hand at him ,, leaving the case file with the mech so he can review it as much as needed .

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