005 | part 1

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MINIBOTS (+ MINIMUS) / GN READER• established ,, poly relationship• part one___________________________

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• established ,, poly relationship
• part one

          pedes clanged against the metal floor of the lost light interior . a certain green bot making his way through the labyrinth of the ship with a datapad in his servo . maybe he didnt triple check it enough ,, but something about the report he got from rodimus just irked him . maybe he was too stressed ,, too frustrated with something . and so he left to head for a certain someone .

          he knows it would be rude to imprude your sleep ,, as its quiet essential to humans . yet he couldnt feign the empty feeling in his spark from missing you . it was all that occupied his processor through the day ,, even if he did see you as magnus . it wasn't enough though ,, realizing how needy he sounded ,, but you did say it was alright to pop in any time he wanted to no matter what . so maybe it was somewhat acceptable .

          he stopped in front of your door ,, punching in the simple code and slipping in the dimly lit room when the door slid open . the first thing he could hear was hushed giggles coming from a corner of your room . it didnt take him long to find the source ,, walking over and seeing the minibots of the lost light all huddled around you with blankets wrapped horribly around them . in tailgate's lap you laid ,, hands on either side of swerve's cheeks as you pressed kisses to his facial plates . minimus shouldve known you wouldnt be sleeping by now . it was foolish of him to think so ,, when he knew deep down these three would keep you up all night with no shame or remorse .

          " i want more too !" tailgate whined ,, visor dimming as you return your attention to swerve's derma . " in a moment tailgate ,, you already had some and swerve hasnt yet ." you replied ,, giving the minibot one last smooch and turning back to tailgate . " youre so needy tonight ,, whats up with that ? did something happen today ?" you frowned ,, moving to place a hand on the side of his face . " you could say that . i mean ,, whirl did land me in medbay earlier ." he pouted ,, yet his visor brightened with you kissed his faceplate .

          rewind and swerve sat on either side of tailgate ,, blankets in their laps and wrapped around their shoulders as best as you could get them to be . it always surprised you how these mechs slept . it reminded you of prison in a way ,, sleeping on a slab with nothing for comfort . not even a single pillow . it was honestly no wonder most these bots were rude and cranky . you would be too if you had to sleep that way ,, thankfully you didn't though .

          green armor caught your eye ,, stopping you midway of pressing a kiss to tailgate's cheek and looking up . minimus stood there ,, arms crossed and a data pad in one servo . " what is the meaning of this ?" he asked ,, squinting his optics at the minibots huddled around you . " um ,, nothing ?" swerve gulped . rewind shrugged before tailgate replied ,," getting kisses . do you want to join in ?" minimus faltered a second . whilst it sounded nice ,, they were disturbing your internal clock and messing with your sleep schedule .

          " no . youre all disturbing (y/n) . shoo off and let them sleep ." he grumbled ,, keeping his stance . swerve's awkward smile dropped to a pout ,, all three minibots looking at you . with a sigh ,, you crawled off tailgate's lap and towards minimus . " its alright mins ,, theyre not doing any harm ." you hands wrapped around his digit ,, smile sweetly beaming up at him . " why dont you join us ? and then we can all go to sleep ?" you offered ,, waiting patiently for him to give in . he always does anyways ,, because this isnt the first time it happened .

          the bot sighed ,, arms dropping to his side as he slowly started to nod . " alright ,, alright ." he gave in ,, reaching down a bit to pick you up and hold you in his arms . " only for a bit ,, and then youre going straight to bed ." he huffed as he walked over to the rest of the minibots ,, settling down beside rewind and turning his head to the side bashfully when you kiss his derma .

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