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TW—panic attack

(Song: Don't be sad~ Tate McRae)

"You will have to clean all that mess, haha. Look how dirty the floor has become,"Aresu said jokingly.

At first it had been only a cup.
Once in a while her hands would also shiver and she'd drop stuff.
She only feared that he'd burnt himself on the hot liquid. They had drunken tea before while painting the eggs a second time.
It had only been a cup.
It had only been his weird glances to the stairs down the basement.
It had only been nightmares and memories.
It had only been temporary...

It had not been.

She saw the liquid coloring his skin in deep red, the hot tea creating blisters and harsh swellings on his arms.
He had stumbled back, legs shivering violently while his eyes were focused on her, but unseeing and very distant.
It was as if he looked at her but not at her at the same time.
"Rafe?" She stood up, wincing when she looked at his bloodied socks, leaving traces from where he stepped into the shreds of the broken cup.
He backed away further, mouth shifted to something totally unable to read.
Lips quivering violently, hands shaking, legs almost giving up underneath him.
Her brows drew together unintentionally.
What was happening?
It scared her to see him like that.
His eyes remained unfocused, still directed towards her—and it looked like she was scaring him.
Did she do something?
She couldn't remember...
He held his hands protectively in front of his chest, showing her that he needed space.
And suddenly his head jerked, he shook it rashly, eyes tightly closed, hands coming up and pressing down on the fabric of his shirt.
What was he hearing that she couldn't hear?
She stood helplessly in the kitchen, not knowing how to act.
Should she be silent or not?
It almost seemed as if she was hyperventilating herself.
She dared to take a step back, wanting to give him space but then it happened: Rafe whimpered softly, his knees bucking underneath him until he violently stumbled to the ground.
Shreds piercing through his knees. Aresu winced first and then shrieked, jumped forward to catch him but he curled into himself, hands scratching widely on his scalp while his eyes looked down on the floor...
And his face—it was frozen in fear.
"Rafe..." Her voice shivered when she knelt down beside him, eyes searching for any understandment.
But he was too far gone to see her.
Tears ran down his cheeks and soft whimpers filled the empty room.
The room that had been filled with so much joy and fun only a few minutes ago.
His scalp began to hurt.
"Rafe... Rafe...," she tried to ground him by plucking away his hands.
Incoherent mumbles came out of his mouth, pleas, whispers.
But she couldn't understand any of his pleas.
Tears ran down her cheeks in fear of the sight in front of her.
She tried to tear away his hands from his scalp while awful sobs escaped his raw throat.
She knew that coping mechanism of his. It had begun when he was younger and he had ripped out his hair in fear. He had cut it short into a buzz cut because of exactly that reason, only for it to end with him scratching open his fragile scalp.
Aresu sighed and opened her mouth to say something again—
Rafe began to scream.
It was agonizing, loud, and it was so hollow that Aresu shrieked back.
What was happening?
What was wrong?
Aresu was scared, purely utterly terrified.
And she very well knew that something was wrong.
Something in her broke that day.
And she cried for him until he screamed himself hoarse and fainted in her arms.

That's it.
That's how easy things can break.
And this time it was Rafe himself who broke.

(Outro: Train wreck~ James Arthur)

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