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"H-huh? What happened". My ears rung, so I wasn't sure if he answered or not, so I asked again. "What happeded?"

Still no answer, and still the heavy weight.

I managed to roll over so I could see what was on top of me. It was the stranger.

"Hey, Hey! Wake up!" I screamed at him. He didn't speak nor move. I shoved him off of me and got onto my knees and slapped his face. "Wake up! What's going on!?". His head rolled over and the side was covered in blood.

"No no no no no. You can't start bleeding form your head. What the hell!?"

I brought myself to look where the blood was coming from. There was a little hole that went into his head.

"People don't just get holes in their head!"

"Yes, they do, when they're shot with a gun" said a deep, male voice

"What's a gun? Wait, who the hell are you!?"

"Oh, you know-" Said another voice

"You're best friends" said a third, cynical, narcissistic, sadistic voice.

"What did you do to him?" I screamed.

"We shot him of course" said the cynical voice.

"What does that mean?" Tears started rolling from my eyes, down my face.

"I'll explain it simply. It means we used this thing called a gun," he pointed to the 'gun', " and we fired a thing called a bullet," he popped the back off the gun and popped out a 'bullet'.

The tears started to accumulate on my chin and drip onto my shirt.

He put the bullet back in the gun and continued, with a growing enthusiasm. "The bullet travels down this part of the gun," he pointed at the end of the gun "and exits, then hits the person," his lackeys pantomimed someone shooting another person and the person getting hit "and the metal pierces their body, and kills then, especially if its a head shot"

At this point, my eyes were completely blurry, and I couldn't breathe through my nose. "Why would anyone kill another person? That's terrible. That's wrong."

"Wrong" snorted all three criminals.

"What do you mean? Do you guys seriously do this that often that you have no regard for someone's life you just took away? They're future, their promise to the world?"

"Basically" said the cynic.

I wanted to throw up. I tried standing, to get away somehow from those monsters, but I doubled over, throwing-up, and leaning on a tree.

"Now come with us, it'll be all fine" said the lighter-pitched lackey.

I was too stunned, and busy throwing up the grilled cheese sandwich to back sass. I started to stumble my way away from them.

"Boss," said the deep voice, "I think she's trying to run away.

I straightened up as much as I could and started running as best as I could, into the deeper forest, and the more warning posts.

"That's cute, she think she can run away," said the cynic. As if on cue, the man with the deep voice came dashing towards me. I felt something hit my lower back.

"Well done. It always pays to have a sharpshooter. Who needs someone who can run faster than the prey when you can simply disable the prey?" I heard in a fading voice. I hit the ground hard and pain coursed through me. I screamed and screamed as the pain leeched into other parts of my body, and caused me to eventually lose consciousness.

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