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It must have been from my state of mind at the time, but I didn't pay attention to what they did to me. I just know that I was once more locked up, but now I was bound, but at least had cleaner bandages. I looked around and concluded that I must be back in the original prison block. All of the sudden, the gunshot wound started to flare up and pain seared throughout my body. I started panting and almost screaming like a trapped animal, but immediately hushed up when I realized they might do something to me if I made audible sounds.

Tears slowly streamed from my eyes in an attempt to compensate the pain. I tried thinking of something else to take my pain away. I tried and tried, but all I could do was grasp slippery thoughts, like trying to grab for a scaly fish that is in the water. My head started to swim in the water with a fish. I was in water; I could feel the cold water cool me down; I could feel the current; I could see the distorted sun in the sky through the layer of water.

The prison box hit a bump.

The world was dull and uncomfortable once more, but I could still see the sun. Wait, no. Yes? Yes, it was the sun! The prison box had little holes in the roof so I could see the bright blue sky and pale sun. It momentarily made me forget my pain and grievances. I thought of feeling the sun on my skin, and what it was like to feel carefree-without grievances, ultimatums, and internment. I got completely lost in the moment and treasure trove of memories.

" Time to get out"

"Huh?" I said, still in a haze.

"I said: get out!" the man grabbed me from position against the wall and threw me on his back lick a sack of potatoes. I screamed at the involuntary movement of my back.

"Be fucking quiet. Screams irritate me" he warned.

I immediately tried to calm the scream. Tears started rolling down my face and making my skin saltier than it was before. He made his way into the building we were next to, and walked into a dark, cold, cramped stone room and dropped me on the floor and left me in my agony.

The stone was rough with mini pockets; pumice? It probably was cold enough to freeze water. Even in agony, I rolled the short distance to the corner of the cell to crawl in a ball and cry. I brought my niece to my chest, dug my face into them, and sat as close to the wall as I could. How did this even happened? Why me? What even is this? I started to let it wails muffled by my legs and the wall. I just wanted to go home, and never think about this again.

I eventually cried myself to sleep and was woken by a large, metal door creaking open.

"Here's a friend" said the man who dragged me in here,  as I could tell by his voice. I wish I could've gotten a look at him both times.

Before I knew it, man, about 30 years old was pushed into the room with me. The large door creaked closed, and we heard the dead bolt fall on the door. The man was obviously scared for what was next.

I started to limp-crawl towards him "You know what's going happen to us?" I asked, pleadingly.

The man stayed silent at my inquisition.

"H-hello" I asked more gingerly this time. I sat up and held out my hand to touch him. He was trembling, and I wanted an answer from him, or at least help calm down. My innate instincts told me to hold my hand back, but I pushed forward anyway.

At the touch, the man lunged at me, and had me pinned to the ground.

"Hey, HEY!" I screamed at him. "Somebody, help me! Please!"

The man who seems to be some type of guard laughed out "Come on now, play nice with the girl, she's only half your age."

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