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I woke up with a start. I heard sounds of a struggle. I jumped out of bed looking for the random assailant. Probably another one of that orator's sick games I thought.

No one was there. No random, mystery assailant was there, but I still heard the sounds of a struggle. I went to check on her up on the top bunk.

"Hey, Hey!"

She was basically writhing- but in her sleep. I grabbed a hold of her shoulders and shook her like crazy. It gave no response from her, other than her trying to then trying to beat the shit out of me.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled and even smacked at her face.

"Ahhh! Fuck, Potato, don't do that! I was dreaming of nice things"

"Nice things? Nice things!? You sounded like you were getting attacked!"

She gave me what looked like a guilty face, but I couldn't be sure in the dark light.

"I swear, I'm fine. As well as can be, actually" She promised.

Jangling from the hallway. Loud, heavy steps from the hallway.

"Shit, we're going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble if they see us talking like this. Quick, pretend to be asleep!"

I jumped at her orders and found my way back into my scratchy bedding. I turned and faced away from the wall, just to be sure.

The heavy door opened, I wanted to scream, cry, implode, everything from the building terror.

The heavy door closed. The coast was clear; all safe. I turned around so I could get up and talk to the roommate. I waited another minute just to be sure that the guard wasn't right outside the door.

"Hey, So, you going to tell me what that was about?"

No response, even when I was staring at her face.

"Hey, hey" I waved my arms in her face. She pushed me to the side and effectively knocked me from the railing of the bunk. The feeling of the cold ground soothed the new shock to my back, as well as the earlier injuries. I for some reason got up, and thankfully did, because a metal axe came down where my neck was.

With my back to the bed, I screamed. I completely lost all control of my body; and my mind. I wanted to move, but my legs were bricks and my arms were tied down. I wanted to think of defensive measures, but the assailant came into my mind's eye. The grotesque figure was a man. Come to think of it, he was the first male I saw at the place. He was an obelisk pillar in the room with a deadly weapon. He didn't smell like death, but he did smell of fresh blood, and that's pretty damn close.

He bent down on one knee and came leaned toward me. He put his surprisingly soft hand on my cheek and brushed my lips and chin with his thumb. My breathe was shakily and I know he could see it, even in the dark, and definitely hear and feel it. He lowered his head a bit more to gaze into my eyes. I don't know exactly what I expected to see in his eyes, but they were definitely human. His eyes even smiled. I held my breathe as his poke into my soul became a slow, deep stab. He put down the metal tool in his hand and brought it right in between our eyes. His soft, light skin was doused in scarlet. He put his hand down, but I didn't dare break contact with his prodding eyes. The world was silent to my ears.

He gracefully stood up and turned around to the roommate thrashing at him. She held something to batter the guy with, but I couldn't tell with the lack of lumens. He used both hands and held her at the waist, and shoved her upon the wall. She got the wind knocked out of her. Her feet were dangling almost two feet off the ground. I found my muscle control. She was going to die if I did nothing. I exhale an excruciating gasp and feel blood on my abdomen.

He slid her down six inches, then threw up to hit the ground at a flat angle so she couldn't stand, or stay conscious. Wide-eyed, I watched him smile, showing perfectly white teeth, open the door, walk out, close it, and smile through the bars at the top, and finally about face and stride off.

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