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Supplies started raining from the sky.

"Make sure you have one of everything. If you don't you'll get your punishment" the orator sang

Why would we get punished for not getting one of everything? That makes no sense at all. I thought. A shirt landed on my head and covered my eyes. I picked it off and saw something else on the floor. It was a pair of pants. I reached down to get it and someone fell over me, then tried to kick me off balance.

"Hey, what the hell?" I called

The other girl got on her side and reached for my stuff. I rolled backwards and landed on my derriere, but successfully dodged her assault. What the serious hell?

I stayed close to the wall to avoid people. I picked up items that flew around or had somehow been forgotten.

"AAAAAAAND....STOP!" The room went silent except for a few struggles that died out after a few more seconds. "well then, now you will be escorted to you new rooms. I hope you have everything. Oh, and if we see anyone steal or fight, they're going down"

That announcement made everyone stay silent and somewhat orderly- as orderly as they could be in their confusion. I was near the end of the line to get escorted to a room, so I was one of the last to leave the massive room and go to my new living space.

The escort punched me in the face

"What the hell?"

She punched me again, then answered "no toothbrush. Look at that, no socks either" she socked me again in the face (ahhhh get it? socks-socked)

"Lucky you, only two items. I had to deliver all those punches to their pretty faces, the ones who didn't have anything, or only one or two items I mean" and with that, she walked out and locked my door.

"Lucky you" a snide voice said.

"Who's there?" I asked, and fumbled to see.

"You're roommate, idiot"


"For God's sake, just calm down and be quiet. You're giving me one hell of  headache, especially since I doubt I can find cigarettes in this hell hole."

"What do you mean calm down!? Last time I heard that, someone was shot and killed!"


"And!? AND!? Someone died in my arms! That doesn't just happen!"

A bagging at the door "Keep it down!"

I lowered my volume as much as I could in my shock. "People don't go and kill other people!"

A hard slap to my face. I was left speechless, wide-eyed, and dizzy.

"If you want to survive this, you need to learn about the real world, or at least this one. I don't care that you're probably some heir to some large, powerful family that has and for over a hundred years. I don't care that you were pampered and sheltered. No one does, actually. There isn't someone to wait on you, take care of all your boo-booes, unless they're close to killing you, tuck you in at night and make you feel like a spoiled princess. This is a dog-eat-dog world and the people here are terribly cruel, even more so than the regular people in the regular world that you never saw." She turned back to her bed, "You better hope you don't bruise easy"

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