Chapter 25♨︎

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Keegan's POV:

Taylor took me out to dinner tonight. It was actually really nice.

"All this time we've known each other and I still don't know your favorite color," he laughed while pressing the elevator button.

I looked at him like he was some kinda monster.

"Are you crazy?" I asked him.

"What," he laughed.

"I'm freaking scared of elevators we're taking the stairs," I said and grabbed his hand.

When we got to our level he started skipping down the hall way.

"I'm dealing with a complete idiot," I laughed and started recording him.

"You love me though,"he said while opening up the door to our hotel room.

When I got to the door, I saw him sitting on the bed with a blank face. Like he had something on his mind and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get it out.

"Taylor?" I asked quietly and sat right next to him.

Silence occurred the room. He must really be having a hard time with this.

"No matter what, I'll never stop loving you," he said and looked up to me with a serious face.

I smiled then pecked his lips but only to be brought back into a deep kiss. He held my cheeks and I held the back of his neck. This boy...


I woke up to the alarm clock going off. Me and Taylor don't use an alarm clock wtf. I got up to turn it off but I saw something on top of it. A note.

I first want you to know that this letter is gonna be the hardest letter I have to write in my entire life. it goes.
I've decided to wander off into the world and start over. If you're thinking in you're head, "why?" then I guess I should tell you. I know you still have feelings for Jack. And I don't want to start something real if you're not full on with me. I love you too much for that. I've also learned that it's better to break you're own heart by leaving,rather than having that person break your heart every day you're with them. Now, I'm not saying I don't love you. Its love because I want you to be happy even if it means you'll go on without me. I love you Keegan but please don't try and find me.

By now I was crying...sobbing into my pillow. He's just leaving me? Just like that? Wow Taylor.

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