Chapter 9♨︎

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Gilinsky's POV:

"Do you like this outfit?" Keegan asked coming up out of the bathroom with brown combat boots, black and white tribal patterned leggings and one of those jean flannel shirts. I was lying on her bed on my phone, waiting for her to get ready so we can go to the mall.

"Not really," I responded while looking her up and down for a second then back to the screen of my phone.

"I've changed five times and every one you said you didn't like. What do you want me to wear?" she giggled.

I locked my phone and set it beside me then sat up.

"The first one," I replied and smiled. Her jaw dropped and gave me a deadly stare. I've been messing with her this whole time.

"I hate you," she said and flipped me off. Isn't she wonderful? Haha. She went back into the bathroom and changed into a black and red flannel, a plain gray shirt, black leggings and the black nike roshes. When she was in there, I guess she straightened her hair too. She looks good today.

Madison's POV:

This experience is horrible right now. Nothing is going as planned. And the worst thing is that I already lost my phone! But I'm using my friends phone for a week. He has another one don't worry. Me and him have gotten close really fast. His names Brad Simpson and I guess he's in a band called "The Vamps" or something like that. We have a lot in common. Music. Personality. And he's the same age as Jack. He's cool...really cool.

Bethany's POV:

"Are you two dating?"

"What happened to Madison?"

"Is this a double date?"

"How long have you and Johnson been dating, Bethany?"

The paparazzi found us...

"Mind your god damn business!" I yelled while trying to push through the crowd of flashing lights.

"How are your fans gonna feel about you and Keegan back together, Jack?"

"Move!" I screamed this time. As I was reaching for the door, I yelled back,"mind your god damn business and get a life!"

I finally was out of that mess. I can't stand the paparazzi they honestly live on stalking people...I don't get it.

"Let's go eat," I said and turned around but the only person behind me was Johnson.

"Where'd they go?" I asked.

"They locked themselves in the bathroom and said they'll call us when they think most of them are gone," he told me. I nodded.

"Well we can still go eat," I giggled and grabbed his hand while yanking him toward the car.

Jack's POV:

"This is a disaster," Keegan cried. I started laughing.

"I don't know why you're fucking laughing. When we starve to death th-"

"No no no, I'm not laughing at that," I interrupted her. "I was laughing because you just reminded me of Estaban on Suite Life of Zack & Cody," I added. She smiled.

"This is a disaaaaster," we both said like Estaban in unison.

"We're some lames oh my god," she laughed and finally sat down. She's been pacing back and forth for the past ten minutes. We locked ourselves in the unisex bathroom so it was just one room. We sat in silence. She was staring off into space and I was staring at her. She is so beautiful. I've never noticed how pretty she is until now. How her hair just flows and how her eye sparkles. It's perfect. She's perfect.

"Why are you staring at me?" she giggled. I guess I didn't even notice she was looking straight at me now.

"Why do you think?" I asked her.

"Because you're a creepy ass mother trucker," she responded while laughing.

"Can I be your creepy ass mother trucker?" I asked her. Her face went from happy to surprised.

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