Hi this is Araya, oops, I meant Sarah

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He doesn't look at me when he steps in, but his eye shoots to Drun as his face contorts with anger. "Who the fuck is this hog?" Eric demands, walking in but staying on the other side of the bed using me as a divider. Life is cruel to me, and karma took its time with my affair to rear its head and here it is. Drun lets the offensive word roll off his back and doesn't bother standing up but instead leans back in his chair, relaxing.

"Drun," he says casually, "And you are?" he raises a challenging eyebrow.

Eric looks disgusted and enraged at the same time, I can feel the rage coming off him in waves directed at me. "I am her fiancé. Who the fuck are you?" He demands again more rage bubbling in his voice and Drun doesn't look at me but keeps his eyes on him. I feel like I need to say something to make sure they don't fight.

My words are quiet as they escape my mouth before I can think. "No Eric, you asked me three times and all three times I said no. We are not engaged. I will never marry you, Eric." That was not the right thing to say because Drun busts out laughing and Eric's face turns red. I made things worse... for me.

"I still asked and that makes us engaged, whether you like it or not," he spits on the floor next to my bed.

"Listen buddy." Drun tries to stop laughing, "Can't you take a hint? No means No in every language."

Eric's nostrils flare and he is about to explode when a day nurse comes in. She is older, I have seen her before I think but I have been mostly asleep until now. As she takes in the situation, she rolls her eyes. I wonder if she thinks I am a whore, I have two men with me and a baby that was tested to see who the father was.

"Good morning everyone, remember we need to stay calm and act like gentlemen," she eyes Drun, "or I will have you escorted out." She eyes the boys but lingers on Eric. Turning her attention on me she softens her voice, "Okay dear, let's check on the baby. Can you be a good dad and move for me?" She addresses Drun as the dad before I could tell him, as Eric's face twists to one that sends ice through my veins. I lock up not knowing what to say, and Drun's eyes meets mine in an unreadable expression.

"Of course." He responds moving the chair away from me and the equipment she needs to get to, but he remains by the foot of my bed holding my foot.

The nurse has a few devices on her cart but takes out the ultrasound device. "Okay, we are going to check on a few things and the baby. Dad, can you see the screen?" She looks back at Drun who nods in response, seriousness carved into his face. "Looks like your bandages have been changed on your head," she peels it back to look and then smooths it back on making me wince. "Sorry sweetheart but it looks good. Okay let me see your legs," she makes sure I am not exposed but pulling the blanket down she looks at the foot-sized bruise on my thighs. I hear Drun sucking in a breath and glancing at him I see him tighten his free hand into a fist.

"It's getting better." Pulling up the blanket to my waist she pulls up my hospital gown to expose my stomach that has a large bruise the size of one adult male fist. Drun's mouth becomes hardened as he takes in my stomach, and I wonder what he must think. Would he want the baby? Does he think I am playing him? Trying to trap him? "Good thing the baby is still in your pelvis," the nurse cuts a glance to Eric and, he fucking shrugs!

Drun catches this brief interaction making him snap his head to Eric with so much hatred in his eyes I am worried he will kill him. Eric sneers at him and bores hatred into me. I am sure he will make sure I pay for this, one way or another. I can feel its promise in my bones. "Young man?" The nurse addresses him, "I think it's best you leave." Eric stomps a foot down looking at the woman.

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