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Chapter 2
"Your mother has sent for you ma'am" a worker said after I gave her the permission to enter my office. I waved my hands dismissively my back still facing her. I was staring at the people below me. How freely they could move and how happy most of them were. My tears welled up once again. All I wanted was freedom from this woman and all I had was none. How desperate was she trying to damage me ever since I was a child. I wiped my tears harshly and went to her because I know the concequences if I didn't. I knocked on her door and heard her little "come in". She didn't look up. She didn't look as if she just tied my life with someone I don't know or even want to be with.
"Get your bags ready, we Will soon be leaving" she said to me, her voice toneless. She was typing on her computer her glasses rested perfectly on the bridge of her nose as she squinted her eyes
"Why" I asked my voice wobble and my eye blurry with tears. She stopped what she was doing avd looked at me for a moment her features going soft and Immediately hardened
"Why?" She repeated my question as she shut her laptop shaking her head. "because I want what's best for you" she replied her voice thick.
"Well this is not what's best for me!" I yelled at her wiping my tears off. Mother scoffed removing her glasses and setting them inside her drawer.
"You're still a child young lady. You know not what's right from wrong" she answered smoothly. I've been with evil ever since I was a child and it dawned on me that this woman was nothing but a monster. I nodded my head as I left her office for mine to pack my little belongings in there. When I was done I came out only to see the devil's spawn giving orders to some people. I didn't mind her and went inside the elevator. All what I want was to never be near her. I'm sure she noticed me but decided not to speak even if she would eventually when we are in the car. The ding in the elevator and the opening of the door made me snap out of my thoughts. I quickly exited the elevator ND got stared at from the secretary.
"Do your job not stare at anyone" I said to her as I caught her gaze on me. Her eyes widened slightly and she quickly got back to whatever she was doing.
The blast of the night warm air made me breathe out loud as I ran a hand through my hair. The loneliness was killing me and making me happy at the same time. I smiled as I walked towards the car, some body guards standing beside it.
They opened the door for me with a little bow that was never needed. I scowled as I entered the car, the man immediately shutting the door. The driver, Mr Lawson looked at me through the mirror and smiled. He was an old man. My mother's driver before I was born. He had a little father figure in my life even though we never spoke a lot.But he knew whenever I was hurting or when I was tired. Infact, he knew everything I loved, and hated.
"A little argument with your mother I see" he said observing me through the rear mirror. I nodded my head in confirmation as I did not want to talk to anyone at this moment. He understood and kept quiet switching on the radio that was playing some smooth music.
I took my gaze to the window. I saw my mother and some men come out from the building. She couldn't see me, because they glass was tinted. I didn't take my gaze from the window as those men escorted her to the car before following behind. I didn't acknowledge her presence neither did she care.
Mr Lawson started the car and started to drive. I let my body relax to the leather seat of the car.
"You know what you did was disrespectful" mother's voiced out. I knew she wouldn't let go, yet she calls me childish. I hummed in response not caring about what she continues to say. She literally snatched my life away from me and is still yelling. If she really wants me to be perfect she should know how to play her cards well. I sighed as the car halted we were In a traffic.
I sat back and looked outside my window until I saw a car beside us. It had a very dark tinted window . I squinted my eyes to see who was in it. I knew I couldn't but the curiousity of maybe someone living like me made me happy. I didn't even know if it was a guy or girl. I never really had friends.
"Mr Lawson can I receive some air" I asked politely. From my rear view I saw him look over to mother who nodded her head in confirmation. Ugly bitch.
The sight of the car made my eyes go wide. It was utterly very expensive. I never had been nosy but the aura from that car just made me so curious. Just in time, the person in the car rolled the glass down. I gasped silently, my heart beating in my chest, as butterflies erupted for no reason.
A guy appeared and he was utterly attractive. He had grey eyes that held a lot of things in them, black hair that was in a perfect long lock and was a little bit near his eye His eyebrows were thick and perfectly curved. Pink plum lips and long eyes lash you could notice from the little distance. He didn't look too older than me. Maybe a few year I think. He was one word HOT. He gazed at me not breaking eye contact. He smirked before his car started to move rolling his window up. I breathed out the air I never knew I was even holding in.
I slumped down into my seat as I rolled the glass up. My mom eyed me suspicious of my behavior but I didn't care . All what I knew was that I wanted to know that guy


When we got home, I ran up to my room and shut my door. I didn't want to break down as I laid on my bed, my eyes facing the ceiling. I sighed as I stood up remembering I couldn't sleep in my suit.
Kicking off my heels, I stripped my clothes off from my body as went straight into the shower. After doing my business, I grabbed a silky gown and went straight to bed. Pulling the duvet up, I grabbed my phone trying to think of a way to know that guy. MARRIAGE, my subconscious screamed. Then it Dawned on me. I was getting married to someone I don't know, someone who might be a monster for all I care.
"Sweet Jesus" I whispered out a headache forming. If only I could have a normal life even if it meant taking away my mother's riches. Not mine.
I unlocked my phone and went straight to my social apps. Irritated by the amount of notifications I had, I exited and when to browser. What could I search for? His name? I don't know.
"ARGH" I yelled out frustrated. I knew nothing about him. I don't even think I might see him again. Why the fuse?.
Frustrated, I went back to sleep.
Dora watched the way her only daughter vexed about the marriage situation as she went up the stairs. If only she knew what it would impact in her life. She didn't want her child to suffer like she did when she was growing up and the only thing her child brought to her was frustration and hatred. She did what a mother could do. She just didn't want her to suffer. She wanted her to be happy.
She sighed as she went to her office. The company was granted to her by her father at the age of 18. He was nothing but abusive towards her. Not physically but verbally. They were financially average when they were growing up and the company was what brought them money. Dora vowed to destroy it when she took over it but she saw how it helped her family life. She worked a lot to sustain the company and make it become what it was. Her only daughter who was abandoned by her father hated her. She had no choice than to accept because she would realise everything her mother did was out of love.
Amelia was showered with love from her father. Dora's husband. Dora was happy even if it wasn't Everytime. Even if her marriage was forced , even if it wasn't a Happy one. She found peace in it because at least her husband made her child smile. She found hope. A little light in the marriage. Until, when she got letter from her husband saying it was best they ended the marriage because they were bother being forced and they never liked each other. Because the only thing keeping them together was their daughter. He wrote in the letter that he wanted to forget everything. The past. Dora tried her best not to cry, because she had hope in the marriage, because she might have had feelings for him, but he still abandoned his daughter. The only person who made her smile. Since that day, she vowed to never love anyone. That was why she loved to planned things she didn't want her daughter to suffer was all what she was trying to do. Since that day, she told her daughter that her father died so she won't feel the pain of having any thoughts her father left her alone and she wouldn't tell her anything.
Dora sat down on her office as she removed her glasses and set it on her desk. She wanted to cry but she has been told constantly it was a sign of weakness and she won't be weak for her daughter.
She left her brown shoulder length hair fall on her neck as she rubbed her Temple. She was getting sick and she knew it.
A knock erupted her from her thoughts.
"Come in" Dora answered composing herself. It was the driver, Mr Lawson.
Dora left her tired form show, her shoulder slumping. The old man smiled at her as he sat down.
"Don't you think you're taking it too hard on yourself" he said to her. Not only has he been ever since Amelia was born, he had been with Dora ever since she was pregnant. Dora scowled at the man, but she quickly dropped her face as she looked down. "It's for the best" she breathed in as she sensed an headache forming.
"You do know when souls are Destined to be with each other, they would do anything to get to each other no matter what" he said to her watching her closely. When she didn't say anything he continued "we do understand a mother's pain, that doesn't mean your child's futures would be like you--
"It's risky" she cut him off before he landed. She hated that topic of her past being brought up.
Mr Lawson breathed in. "Once two souls are tied together they can't be easily brought apart" he repeated reminding her and he stood . "I have to take my leave" he said leaving Dora alone.
She huffed. No one could change her mind once it was made.

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