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"And next time, come early!" my mother yelled. She pointed her well manicured fingers at me. Her co workers looked at me , their eyes filled with pity. I don't need it. I muttered a little "yes mother" and she breathed out frustrated as she left not forgetting to hit my shoulders.
Her P.A who was beside me decided not to follow her but stay with me.
"You're all dismissed" she said to the other workers. They all nodded their heads and as they were leaving, they were whispering. No need for the whispers when I already know what they were saying.
The shutting of the door signified that they all left. I blinked my tears away.
"I'm fine" I replied harshly. Charlotte smiled sadly. I got very angry "I don't need your pity Charlotte. I'm okay" I advised, before I turn into something she never wished for me to be . She sighed in defeat as she left the office.
My mother is the CEO of well known clothing company all over the world.
And she doesn't joke with anything related to business,so she's training me since I'm the next in line. She has never been good. She's just a bossy bitch who loves people to be under her. I literally have to walk on egg shells when I'm around her. My own mother.
She said she wants me to learn early so as when I take the business, I would bevery serious.
I groaned dragging my feet all over to my desk. Something my mother would hate but I do that to piss her off. I sat down on the office chair and sighed.
I kicked off my heels and turned the chair toward the huge glass in the room. That's my favorite thing I love in this room. I was on the second to the last floor, so I could see the huge buildings and busy streets. The sky calmed me so anytime I was angry or upset, I'd look up and be lost in thoughts. My mother was undeniably rich. She always wants to control my life since that was how her life has been controlled by her parents. I had a father. Well he's dead now which only made my mother be dead on loving absolutely no one.
A knock erupted me from my thoughts
"Your mother calls for you ma'am" a worker said meekly. Why be afraid, I'm just an highschooler or your next of kin.
I nodded my head in confirmation as she closed the door.
"What does that bitch want from me now?" I muttered as I stood up straighten my neatly iron white suit. I exited the office and went towards the direction of my mom's office. It was not far . It was located at the top floor of the building. I entered the elevator. A male worker was in with me but I gave him no attention as he stared at me. The way I'd ball his eyes out if I wasn't upset. I scowled as I looked up. My own reflection stared back at me. I sighed frustrated. The dude didn't pick his floor. I pressed 1 on the elevator as I gave 0 fucks on where he was heading to. He didn't stop staring at me though. I guess I'm being looked at like a trash since my mom already ridiculed me enough here. I furrowed my eyebrows as I locked my gaze with this guy. He smirked not caring he was caught. Who was he anyways.
The elevator dinged showing i was at the top floor.
"Don't you ever stare at me like that or I'd make sure you get no job in this city" I said as I got out of the elevator. I didn't wait to see his reaction as I left for my mother's office.
I was about to barge in but I hesitated. I sighed as I knocked on her door.
"Come in " her cold voice replied. I breathed in trying my best not to do anything when I get inside. I opened the door and I saw a man seated. I greeted him and he smiled at me.
"You called for me" I said trying my best not to frown. She forced her smile obviously feeling disrespected at the tone I used at her. Maybe next time she'd learn how to talk a teenager who is close to being an adult.
"Yes" she replied as she gestured herr hands at the chair "have a sit" she stiffed a smile. I scoffed as I sat down folding my arms. I really want to piss her off but maybe I should calm down because of the visitor she had.
"This is Mr Black" she said gesturing towards the man. He looked mid age and is attractive. He had jet black hair and a grey eyes. A crazy combination. I greeted him and he smiled at me. His smile was welcoming unlike this bitch in front of me. The only time she smiled was when I did something that she hates and she doesn't want to say anything.
"He's the owner of popular makeup brands " she stated. I raised my brows. What's that to do with me.
"You'd be marrying his son immediately you clock 18 and take over this company when you're 20" she said not fazing. I smiled which made m
her frown. I burst out laughing. They all looked at me like I have grown two heads. I cleaned my tears chuckling sightly.
"Okay so you ... You--" I couldn't finish my words and started to laugh.
" **AMELIA ROSE Skyler**" my mother yelled hitting her hands on the table "that is so disrespectful of you" she snapped very angry.
"No no no. You just literally called me to your office and told me I was getting married in less than how many months!!? I'm clocking 18 very soon mother. I knew you love controlling my life but you've crossed the line. I was happy to get out of your place and problems when I graduated out of high school now you're forcing this on me!" I shouted scattering her papers as my tears dropped. The man sat down there unfazed by my scene as if he had seen worse.
"I better excuse you two" he said getting out of my mom's office.
I turned back to my mom. Her eyes dark and filled with something I could pry on.
She crossed her arms on her chest.
"You're getting married to him. I don't care if you like it or not. It's for the company" she sneered.
"AND I DIS AGREE!" i yelled back at her. "Why can't you understand when I said I want nothing. You can't treat your daughter like trash for ever !" I yelled my voice cracking. She smirked.
"I don't want you to make the same mistake like I did when I married your fath--"
"Don't you fucking dare bring him up " I cut her off. "You might have never loved him, but I did cause at least he understood how to take care of a child." My voice cold as I wiped my tears. "At least he was better than you" I said disgusted by her. I've always been. Her face dropped but she quickly masked it .
"Just know what ever I'm doing is for you to be great it life. I mean no harm " she bent down picking the files I've dropped on the floor.
I didn't say anything as I left her office. She could kill her self. I don't care.

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