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**Chapter 4**

Like I said Margret did shower me with cookies and warm milk, and I felt like a child again. She didn't know how chocked I was and I didn't know too until I poured everything out and I felt light hearted once again.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Margret sigh.
"What's wrong" I asked my tone serious as I dropped what I was eating. She laughed as she saw my face. I grew confused, did I have something on my face.
"Of course nothing Is wrong" she stopped Laughing after a while. "You should have seen your face " she said covering her mouth while laughing again. "It was priceless" she completed doing an okay sign. I felt myself relaxing as I smiled.
"You got me there for a minute" I beamed as I continue to eat my cookies. Margret stopped Laughing as she looked at me softly her eyes filled with different emotion swirling in them. I turned my face down to my plate pretending I didn't see her. She didn't stop though.
"What" I asked my mouth full with the delicious cookies.
"Eres bonita"
*Translation : you're pretty*
She spoke her voice always thick with her Spanish accent. I understood Spanish because of her and could speak a little but I don't usually show it and I'm sure she didn't know I speak it too. She taught me a little but I learnt further.
"Gracias" I said bowing my head a little. I appreciated the complement a lot. Her eyes widened slightly seeing me speak Spanish.
*Translation: Thank you.*
"Where did you learn that" she stuttered.
"You taught me some remember" I shrugged sitting upright my tummy stuffed with cookies. She smiled at me.
"You spoke it perfect, if you say this somewhere else they'd think your family's speak them." She said to me. Her eyes sparkling with pride.
'You are my family' I wanted to say but I bit my tongue. I gave her a small smile and patted my tummy indicating I was full.
My cellphone dinged and I took it out. My mother chatted me saying I should be in the office soon. I clenched my fist getting angry . What did she want now. I sighed getting up
"I have to go, my mother said she needs me in the office" I said getting up.
"Ah wait here mi amore" Margret said rushing up to get something.
She came back a few minutes later, holding a small bag.
"Whenever you feel down, eat them and drink the milk. It always works. Don't worry, it's everything you need, microwave-able and all." She said handling them to me. I wanted to decline politely but not taking it either would be rude.
I collected it from her as I thanked her. She pulled me into a hug .
"Todo va a estar Bien"
*translation : everything is going to be okay.*  she whispered and I wanted to cry all over but I held them back. I hugged her back and she patted my back slowly.
After a minute or two we pulled away from the hug.
Margret wiped her eye, she must have been crying again. My phone dinged annoyingly and I took it out and it was my mother. I scowled deeply obviously displeased at her impatience.
"You'd better go" Margret laughed . I took few steps back and looked at her again
"Thank you" I smiled and she returned it back. If only, if only she knew her impact on me.
I got outside the cafe, the sun hitting my face. It was summer so it was definitely expected of this harsh weather.
I walked towards my car, yes mine. And I worked hard for it not accepting my mother's *generous* money. I earned mine. I always made sure I did. I got inside and was about to drive out when I saw a familiar hair. I snapped out of my trance what was wrong with me
I chuckled opening unlocking my car.
"Am I seeing things" I laughed again. Familiar hair. I wanted to laugh again this time out loud but people would think I'm crazy.
I decided to look again and the person was gone. I hissed as I found my actions stupid.
Something was wrong with my head.
First the maid, now a familiar hair. But I have seen this hair somewhere.
"What is wrong with you Ami, people have same hair" I shaked my head entering the car.
I parked the car at the huge parking lot in my mother's company.
Should I go? I asked myself again. I checked my watch and saw it was close to the evening time. I sighed as I slumped on my seat. I want to appear late so as to annoy her. My cellphone dinged again and I saw mom's notification pop up.
"What now?" I groaned as I picked it up. She said I should hurry up and it was important. I rolled my eyes as I got out from my car, leaving the snack behind. I don't want her questioning me. I entered the company and saw the secretary, the one who I caught staring at me.
I smiled at her and she returned it. She was confused... Who wouldn't be.
I got in the elevator waiting patiently for it to reach mother's floor. It dinged and the door opened revealing mother and a man. They couldn't see me since they were turning their backs from me but I could. They were discussing about something and it looked important.
"Ahem" I coughed getting their attention. Mother turned, so did the.... The guy! I know him!!!
He was the one I met in.... The night... oh my God.
"Ami-" mother snapped me out of my thoughts. Gladly. I never appreciated her in my mind until now.
"Yes mother" I forced a smile as I slowly took my eye from him. He smirked, that's a good sign because he might have recognized me.
"Meet Aiden Grayson" she addressed.
Aiden... I've heard the name somewhere. I stiffed a smile and shaked his hand. The smirk was still on his face and the handshake lasted for more then 10seconds. Mother eyed us suspiciously.
"Aiden meet Amelia" she introduced him to me. I blushed but bent down so my hair could cover me. "Ami can I speak with you" she said her voice soft "in private" her voice changed almost immediately when she saw I didn't answer her. I got angry and raised my head up
"Ok" I gritted as I left the place and she took me to her office.
"First you were late and now you're acting all flirty, have you forgotten about your husband" mother hissed.
"Husband?" I asked her matching her red gaze eyes with mine. She was angry and I was so glad I was. "Remember I did not agree to this filthy marriage nonsense and HE IS NOT MY HUSBAND" I yelled the last part out very much pissed at her. "I did not and will never agree. Would dad even be proud of what you are doing?" I boomed. Thank Goodness this walls are sound proof. I saw my mother face flash with the mixture of hurt and guilt. She always acted like that when I mentioned my father. And for the first time in a while, I saw my mother's eyes brimming with tears. Those tears would never fall, I know it. My heart ached as I knew I had crossed the line. I was being selfish and so was she. But even if, she lost a husband too.
Mother nodded her head as if confirming what I just said. I almost... I repeat almost believed her but who was I kidding, when my mother says something she would never go against it ever.
"You will marry him no matter what" she took a sharp breath as if she was trying to control herself. There you have it, she will never change her mind.
"And I said no" I rejected.
"I don't have time for this, I invited him here to introduce a project to him. And you will be the one suggesting and working with him. After all you did say you were almost an adult. Then act like one" she mocked as she left hitting me in the shoulder. That bastard fool the call mother.
I went out after taking my breathing lessons and saw Aiden there. My whole anger faded right on that spot. He was hot and very very tall. I could see him well from here . He had dark grey eyes they held lots of secrets and if he wasn't wearing a smirk, he'd wear a stoic expression, showing no emotions. His hair. I fell in love with it. It fell above his eye making him look more dangerous. He wore a black suit and had already removed his jacket hanging it on his shoulder with his hand as listened to my mother. She wore a fake expression so fake I feel like smashing it right on the wall. He saw me clenching my fists and smirked again. His lips, his pink plum lips that looked so soft.
I realized I was checking him out and turned my gaze away from him.
Fuck being in a stupid marriage. I already hated the so call bastard they call husband before I met him.
"Amelia" my mother called out for me smiling softly at me. One would think she loved me Soo much but it was all lies. I balled my fists and walked towards her. She found this act very displeasing and I smiled inwardly.
"I would leave you two to discuss to the matter. I have to go" mother left in a hurry. She did this intentionally. Oh God! What am I going to do? I bit my lips unintentionally as I noticed him staring at me.
"Let's have a seat" he suggested. Lord heaven! My knees were about to give out. Please don't fail me, I prayed. His voice was deep and held authority just like how I imagined.
I nodded my head not able to talk because I knew my voice would betray me.
"How about we go to my office" I said. Surprised at how firm my voice came out. He nodded his head and I lead him the way. Suddenly, I felt conscious of my dressing. It was just jeans and a long white shirt. It looked professional and at the same time casual.
When we got to my office, I opened it and offered him a seat.
"Would you like any drink ?" I asked him as I sat down.
"No" he replied. I nodded my head ignoring the kind of tone he used. Should I bring the incident up.
I sighed as I opened my phone. I did not know what was happening. I opened mother's text and saw what I needed to do.
I brought out my pen and book from the drawer.
"According to what me and the CEO discussed the project needs a lot more attendance. It is not an easy task with yours" I finished and I checked my phone to see the name of his company when my eyes widened. He was the next heir of The biggest company in the world. What the fuck....
"Did you just call your mother CEO?" He asked his perfectly curved brow raising up. I almost face palmed myself. Out of everything I said.
"How about he leave this Project and discuss the beauty I saw that night" he smirked as he made himself comfortable on the chair. Oh no.

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