Spared by the beast

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I grumbled as I was dragged by the hood of my cloak, pushed in front of a figure. He stood with fancy robes and a disgusted scowl on his face.

"What is this disgusting human doing here" demanded the fancy guy. The brute grinned.

"Caught her climbing the wall boss" chuckled the brute. I rested my hand close to the hilt of my dagger. Waiting for the robed man to get closer. He eyed me. I don't like to make a habit of killing, but I have a promise to uphold. This guy isn't as tough as he looks.

He stepped closer, the brute behind me loosening his grip as he seemed to mentally pat himself on the back for catching me.

I moved into action, grabbing my dagger and ducking out of the cloak. It felt to the ground as I swung my weapon. He flew his hands in front of his face and screamed out as I accidentally chopped off his finger.

Dang it! He's alive, I grabbed the dismembered finger, it'll have to do.

"I'll be taking this! Be glad I spared your life, I was supposed to end it!" I shouted, scrambling towards the window. I took a deep breath and jumped, whistling loud.

Kira the phantom Kestrel dove towards me, plucking me from the air and flying off. The wind blew around me, I really hate making enemies.

"Beware human! I will be coming for your head!" I could hear him bellow. I gulped and looked up at the blue sky.

"You'll have to catch me first" I mumbled. Kira landed safely I stared at the camp, snagging a rats tail as it dug through a broken crate of food. It squealed as I threw it to the bird, letting it enjoy a nice meal. Kira flew off, she only comes when she knows she'll get food.

I scowled and marched towards the main tent of the camp, looking at all the rogues, they eyed me suspiciously. With a deep breath I stepped into the tent.

Despite being alone in these almost desolate lands, I've managed to make myself strong. Abandoned at 5 years of age since my parents couldn't lug around a liability like a child, I've been scratching my way up through the dirt.

I slammed the bloody finger onto the table, a golden ring flashing in the dim light.

"What's that?" Asked the roach of a man, I scowled.

"It's his finger. Can't you tell by the rare gold ring?!" I snapped.

"Could be anyone's finger, I demanded his head" growled the man. I glared at him.

"Did you not hear his roar of anger as he died? I destroyed his face a little to much, it wouldn't have been recognisable" I scoffed. He examined me, before turning to one of his men.

"Really? I did hear the roar, that is true. But should I trust you?" He asked, I scowled.

"What trust? You know I want them back, why would I lie or bother to pretend?!" I demanded, he snickered.

"I believe you. Which is a shame since I thought you'd be dead, I quite liked the idea of keeping it to myself" he chuckled. I hate making enemies, but I hate tricksters and thieves more.

"What if I don't give it back? You going to take on the rogue camp by yourself, one so young dying, beaten to a bloody pulp" he chuckled, I scowled, glancing to the one standing besides him. Humanoid in appearance, until one notices his lizard features.

"I took on the beast overlord. Who says I can't take you all?" I huffed, straightening my back to make me seem more confident, the issue is, the beast overlord is alive... And he knows which way I went.

It was a stand off. Eyeing each other, him judging if he should keep it or not. Then he laughed, startling me slightly.

"What's so funny?!" I demanded.

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