The tragedy of the Yoro clan

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I stared at the wires, one had been pulled out, I squinted at it and looked around, did someone not plug it in properly? No, it had to of been pulled out, who did it?

I looked around warily, suddenly uneasy. With a quick glance around, I knew I was being watched. With a deep breath, I plugged it back in, quickly sealing the panel shut, I looked to the closest doorway, the enemy lingered near the door, resting themselves. They are here, just in a small truce to get rid of the newest enemy, the enemy that doesn't care who they slaughter. At the very least the enemy lingering inside the base isn't cruel, they won't attack the young or old, they are just an enemy, we battle on equal terms, no innocents involved.

I stepped back listening to the movement behind me. I turned around, and there, with blood coating its body was the monster, they're getting smarter, this new enemy, they knew to pull a plug.

I stepped back, looking for a weapon, they dove at me and I jumped away, scrambling for a pointy stick. An abandoned arrow that had snapped in the middle. It pounced on me, grabbing my legs and dragging me, I gritted my teeth pushing past the pain as I dug my fingers into the ground, reaching for the broken arrow.

I grabbed a rock, turning to smash it against its clawed hands. Freeing my legs and diving for the arrow. It landed on me, biting down on my hip, I spun around, jamming the arrow into its head, and it collapsed, dead. I crawled out from under it. Panting slightly, I fixed up my outfit, the large coat hiding my torn shirt and blood, my black pants soaking up the blood in my ankles. I took a deep breath, stumbling weakly to the door. I need to tell the engineers about this, I need to tell someone, and then I can get these injuries seen too.

I typed in the passcode and the door light turned on, the guard making sure it was me before opening the door, I walked inside, ignoring the pain, I could feel my strength draining, the bleeding more than I first expected. But the safety of this neutral base was more important.

I stepped inside, watching the strangers look up, moving quickly past.

"What took so long? Couldn't open the panel" jeered someone.

"I'm..." I began.

"Nah, she probably just couldn't tell which wire did what" laughed someone else. I scowled bitterly, there's no point talking with them.

"Just be quiet. I need to speak to the engineers." I grumbled, the pain in my body making me bad-tempered.

"You watch how you speak to us," someone said, I rolled my eyes, they can't be hypocrites.

"Watch how you speak to me, slarious!" I huffed, using their title of lowly foot soldiers. They seemed to bristle at that.

I paused at a figure in the doorway, the leader of these troops. I pursed my lips and took a deep breath, he stood in the doorway, eyeing me.

"You humans will treat us with respect, we are only here on a temporary truce" he growled, very unhappy with my words.

"I just gave them what they served. I need to speak to the engineers, please move aside" I said, making an actual attempt to be polite.

"You will apologise to my troop!" He snapped, grabbing me by my shirt, the movement causing my hip to hurt more.

"I will apologise after I speak to the engineers. I need to approach our leaders as well, please move aside!" I stated, trying to steel my voice, sounding more bitter than I intended.

He shoved me back, my leg wounds aching as I stumbled, crashing onto my ass. My head was dizzy and my vision was blurry. Splattered on the ground was my blood, they laughed, not really noticing, not looking at me.

Am I bleeding to death?

I tried to stand again, the pain in my hip horrible, don't tell me that the monster damaged an artery?

I collapsed, unable to stand. I removed my coat, staring at the torn shirt. Blood seeping through it to my chest and back, I didn't realise the bleeding was that bad. I gritted my teeth, feeling incredibly weak, I will not show further weakness in front of the enemy, this is foolish. I couldn't hear laughter anymore, I used the coat to wrap my hip, trying to put a lot of pressure against it, I tried to stand again, managing to.

I approached him once more.

"Excuse me, I need to reach the engineers" I stated, he didn't move, his eyes on my dripping shirt, blood dripping off the bottom.

"Did one of the systems blow?" He asked, I scrutinised him.

"No. It was a trap" I stated simply, there's no point in lying. My vision blurred further, my body falling, weak as I fell. I expected the hard floor to greet me, the enemy is still my enemy after all.

I fell into warmth.

"You're dying" a voice stated. I didn't need someone to tell me, I already knew.

Yoro troop leader POV

I looked at the soldiers briefly, the ragged breaths of the dying human filling my head. Her blood sticking to my arms, I stepped back, her legs dragging against the floor.


I dragged her to the medical bay, the dripping blood trail behind us making me uncomfortable. I should not have bothered with the human, that was foolish on my part, we are still enemies at the end of the day. Yet, I could feel the life draining from her, feeling partially at fault.

The medic didn't waste a second, stripping her and laying her bloodied body on the table, the shirt soaked, looking like it would if it were dropped into a dirty puddle.

But from the look on the medic's face, I knew it was over, I looked at the chunk of flesh bitten from her hip, blood oozing down, I rested my hand on her chest, not feeling a heartbeat. Suppose I suddenly respect this human a bit more, despite the severe injuries, she still remained pretty level-headed.

"Cause of death... Blood loss" the medic mumbled, I stared at the horror show, blood on me, on the medic, on the floor and table, even trailing into the room. Out of respect, I rested a cloth over the sightless eyes.

"May the stars rest you in peace" I muttered, turning away, I will need to shower and talk to everyone about what happened, it is a shame.

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