"Your Lips My Lips, Apocalypse"

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Songfic. Lyrics from : "Apocalypse" by Cigarettes After S*x

TW: depictions of injuries (what else do you expect from Hiei😅); light swearing (I like to keep it to a minimum though :) ;


A/N: Picture the room in the 2018 OVA Two Shots, but with a nightstand next to the bed. Also...hush, I know they can heal themselves with their spirit/demon energy but like....shhhhhh. Okay enjoy!


Shadows from the trees outside dance across the off white walls of the bedroom, giving an eerie aura to it. Yet, despite this frightening choreography, the atmosphere is counteracted by the warm glow of the lamp sitting atop a pile of books on the nightstand. Next to the nightstand was a bed dressed in white, a disguised apparition occupying the space.

The apparition's back is against the headboard, book in hand, as if not a care in the world. He hears the window quietly slide open and close, eyes still trained on the information in the book. His ears pick up the soft shuffling sounds of the intruder's feet as he makes his way over to the desk.

The small demon takes a seat on the black swivel chair; he brings one of his knees up to his chest, the other leg hanging loosely off the seat. The adolescent leans back in said chair, staring up at the ceiling whilst crossing his arms, taut muscles hidden beneath the fabric of his dark cloak.

"What brings you here, Hiei?" The fox yokai questions, other adolescent letting out a huff of air.

"None of your business, Fox," he grumbles, shooting a glare over at the taller redheaded male.

"Have it your way," the adolescent shrugs, brushing a strand of bright red hair out of his eyes before turning to the next page of his book. The duo simply sit there in silence with the fox advancing towards the end of his book and the fire demon recollecting his thoughts. The clock in the room softly ticks in the background, marking the passing of time before the sounds of sheets ruffling fills the room, the book being placed neatly on the nightstand.

Hiei can't help but watch the redhead stretch his arms and back from the corner of his eye, a yawn escaping the taller's mouth. He turns to Hiei and gives him a quick nod — acknowledging his prescence — before leaving the room with his soft footsteps. The fire demon closes his eyes once again, falling into a light slumber.

Flashes of mint green hair fill the adolescent's dreams as reality mixes in with subconscious; memories mixed with dreams. The black haired demon awakes with a start as he hears something click shut, feeling a pair of bright emerald eyes turn to face him.

"Something the matter, Hiei?" The foxy redhead calls from his spot on the edge of the bed, a small potted plant in hand; the lamp had been turned off. The shorter simply responds with a disgruntled "hmph" and turns his gaze away from the taller.

"I don't get why you're so crabby today. Did you meet someone you dislike? The old Ice Maiden Tribe?" The redhead pushes on, clear concern laced in his voice as the shorter simply sits there.

"Yukina?" The black haired demon clears his throat before speaking, fox seeming to have hit a nerve.

"If you really must know, Kurama, I got into a fight with some fool of a demon, is all," he huffs, rolling his eyes as the other nods.

"Ah, makes sense."

The teen glares at him.

"What makes sense, Fool?" He interrogates, the other letting out a chuckle as he backs off.

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