{ Chapter Five }

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"He's our doctor"



That was all I could feel, my brain wouldn't allow me to fell anything else. perturbation flooded inside me, making feel as if I was drowning. The doctors motions slowed down, his promenade towards us, seemed to take extensive time.

Just calm down. You haven't gotten the results yet, he's fine.

The doctor was wearing what seemed to be his suit for the operation. He was wearing a surgical mask, but it wasn't on, it was just dangling around his neck. Instead of covering his mouth and nose. On his head he wore the cap that scrunched around your hairline, it resembled a shower cap. He looked around his late thirties, early forties maybe, but I wasn't sure.

I tried telling myself that grandpa was fine, but no matter how convincing I sounded, no matter how many times I told myself, it was always a failed attempt in the end.

"Frank. You're here for Frank right?" The doctor said.

I was paralyzed, so grandma shook her head for me.

"I'm Dr. Johansen, I was treating Mr. Carter in his operation,"

I raised my eyebrows up to him wanting an answer, I needed to know now. I was tired waiting.

"So is he okay or not?!" I said slightly aggravated.

Only for a millisecond did see a flicker of pity and condolence in his eyes, but it was enough for me. I already knew it....

Grandpa was dead.

"He's... Dead, isn't he?" I asked.

I was looking at the floor, but I felt both the doctor and my grandma looking at me. A few seconds later did the Dr. Johansen respond,

"Yes. Yes, that is correct. I'm sorry."

Grandma let out a heartbreaking sob, the doctor put a hand on her shoulder,but he left after.

Probably used to it by now.

Right when I got home, I scampered up the stairs and up to my room. I locked the door behind me and slid down the wall. I was choking from my own tears.

This time, I didn't get mad and scold myself for crying. I just let out all the emotions I've been holding in. I haven't cried since my parents. I wanted my mom back, I want my dad back, but pleading wouldn't help. I did it anyways. I started screaming for them.

I wanted my old life back.

But I can't.

"Wake up. Avonie wake up please,"

My grandma shook me, and my brain forced my to wake up.

I was on my bed, sheets thrown all around me.

"Hmmm?" I mumbled.

"School. You have to go to school, but if you don't want to I can call them," she said.

I started up at the ceiling. Remembering what happened yesterday, I won't let that bring me down,

"No. It's okay. I'm perfectly capable of going to school."

"If you say, but are you completely sure?"

"Yes. I'll be fine"

She nodded her head and left the room, I laid back down on my bed.

Already I regret my choice of going to school

[ A/N ]
HAI! Well... Sorry I couldn't post, I had 3/4 of a chapter done, but Wattpad
(in perfect timing)
Just decided to erase all my work. So I had to rewrite. The original version was better, so I'm really sorry. I wanted to thank everyone for the reads lately. I know it's not much compared to other stories, but I appreciate it all the same <3

With tons of love,

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