chapter 24.

290 4 24


-time skip 6 months later

a lot has happened in the past 6months, firstly soobin got arrested, everyone did end up graduating college together and the group stayed together, sadly everyone cut contacts with mina and cheayoung since they moved away together, hyunjin and felix did end up breaking up since felix left to live with his mom back in australia, chan and seungmin did move in together not long after graduation and its going pretty good for the most part, yes they fight here and their but they always make up at the end. but even tho soobin is in jail for assaulting seungmin, seungmin cant seem to forget what he did to him. its like a constant loop going in his head. he csnt stop thinking about it. its to the point where seungmin thinks the only way to stop it, is by ending himself.

-flash back to a couple weeks ago-

chan: calm down love, im right here. down worry

seungmin: n-no..i-i cant..chan

chan: hey hey, look at me okay? look at me love

seungmin then looked up at chan a bit crying softly

chan: you dont have to worry about him anymore okay?, hes gone. hes in jail where hes going to stay for a long time. i promise you baby nothing will ever harm you again.

seungmin just cried harder and hugged chan tightly

seungmin: i-i csnt forget it!!..i-i dont want to t-think about i-it anymore channie!..i-im tired!..

chan: i know baby, i know..its all okay now tho. i promise you.

-end of flash back and back to present time-

chan and seungmin were cuddling on their bed while their dog named berry was sleeping near the foot of the bed. the two went to sleep late at night since seungmin was having another rough time going to bed but chan helped him throughout it and they ended up sleeping at like 3:45 am.

seungmins pov-

ive been awake for a while now, i didnt want to wake chan up so i just faked being sleep, last night was probably the worse nights ever. i was sleeping and had a dream about soobin. it triggered something in me and i lost it completely. it took chan about four hours to finally calm me down but the truth is i only faked being fine again because i could tell chan was tired and stressed. i cant keep going like this truthfully. its a fucking loop. i cant stop thinking about it! thats all i want, for it to go away! but it always come back repeatedly. everyday everynight. the memori of soobin doing those things to me. I JUST WANT IT TO GO AWA!- my thoughts then got interrupted by chan who was waking up.

chan: min? are you awake?

seungmin: i am love, everything okay?

chan: mhmm just fine, how are you feeling from last night?

seungmin: im doing better channie

i lied. i couldn't tell him i was struggling still i just couldn't.

chan: what time is it?

chan asked while laughing since he started playing with berry, i reached over and grabbed my phone checking the time

seungmin: 2:32pm

chan: you hungry love?

he said sitting up and looking at me, i nodded yes but in reality i wasnt, i just needed an exuse to be alone for a bit.

𝐖𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. ~ chanmin. Where stories live. Discover now