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Al' Kaar looked at the argons waiting for his report. The man straightened his shoulders before speaking, "I failed to find the wild argons in the designated area..."

Ikh Da'af sighed in disappointment. His old face showed he was hoping for different news. "I wished the argons could learn from human civilization..."

"So the other will stop to hunt our race endlessly, like the late Lord Cendrick wanted," Al' Kaar continued, his eyes softening. One human who loved researching had made them fall in love with human civilization. Even after the man's death due to old age, the argons continued to strive to fulfill the archaeologist's desire.

Ikh Da'af smiled faintly and nodded. "Just like the late Lord Cendrick wanted."

Al' Kaar let his superior reminisce for a while before continuing his report. "However, I found some interesting things..."

"Oh?" Ikh Da'af raised his head slightly, waiting for his subordinate to continue.

Al' Kaar glanced at the soldier and then smiled a little. "I also had a unique experience."

Al' Kaar looked back to Ikh Da'af and said, "During the journey, besides encountering a Death Worm, I also found the body of a short human."

"A short human?" one of the argons sitting on Ikh Da'af's left asked.

Al' Kaar nodded. "His feet were chained with heavy iron. Someone had captured them."

Low murmurs sounded among the argons. Al' Kaar let them discuss for a moment before he continued, "I buried the body."

"The right thing to do," Ikh Da'af replied with a satisfied expression on his old face.

Al' Kaar returned his smile. However, Ikh Da'af's face showed anxiety while he sighed deeply and leaned back. "There's another report about a group of wild argon seen near the border of Gloirwall."

Al' Kaar blinked for a moment. "Why are they near a country inhabited only by human women?"

"Maybe they want to steal the women's livestock, just like usual," one of the argons answered with a tired sigh. "They'll be slaughtered. The leader of Gloirwall is known for her cruelty."

"I'll go tomorrow morning to check the situation there," Al' Kaar tried to reassure his superior. "Don't worry, I'll bring back as many wild argons as possible."

Ikh Da'af and the other four argons nodded, approving Al' Kaar's plan. The man slightly bowed as a sign of respect and said, "I'll take my leave."

"Go and rest," Ikh Da'af raised his right hand. Al' Kaar straightened up, then turned and walked away.


Clear skies greeted Al' Kaar. The man carried a backpack and a mat, walking toward Kamal tied near the building.

He saw his camel watching argon children playing tag among the buildings. Kamal turned her head toward Al' Kaar and blinked her long lashes.

Al' Kaar smiled, then patted Kamal's hump. "Looks like we're going on another adventure."

A small spray of spit came from Kamal's mouth, but Al' Kaar skillfully avoided it. The male argon grinned. "I'm too savvy to fall for that again."

Kamal snorted while she turned away. The camel let her owner load various items onto her hump. Al' Kaar jumped onto Kamal's back and nudged his mount forward.


This journey was more enjoyable than before. Kamal was more friendly and cooperative now. Al' Kaar whistled to ward off boredom. He had led his mount far from their dwelling, nearly ten kilometers away.

Golden sand stretched along the path. The number of trees decreased, indicating they were moving away from water sources. Al' Kaar brushed off the cloth covering his head as hot winds played with it.

However, Al' Kaar's eyes widened when he looked into the distance. The sky to the east appeared dark, and he cursed, "Damn, a sandstorm..."

"Let's go!" Al' Kaar urged Kamal. The camel seemed to recognize the impending danger and quickly ran towards a rocky area to the north.

They managed to take cover in an entrance of a cave just as wild winds carrying dust and sand blew in. Al' Kaar shielded his face with his robe while Kamal's long lashes protected her beautiful eyes.

Several minutes passed, and the strong wind subsided. Al' Kaar adjusted his head cloth as someone surprised him.

"What are you doing here?"

Al' Kaar and Kamal turned their heads over their shoulders. The man's breath stopped for a few seconds. It was a vision of beauty—a girl standing proudly, her form unveiled without a hint of shame. But in that brief instant, a trace of displeasure crossed her lovely features.

Al' Kaar looked inside the cave more closely. Animal skins and bones were lying in a corner. The place seemed clean enough for a wild argon.

A smile tugged at Al' Kaar's lips. He stood in the way of the exit and tilted his head. "So, you live here?"

The girl's yellow eyes gleamed with ferocity. She suddenly crouched down and assumed a fighting stance. "Get out!"

Al' Kaar's eyebrows furrowed. This female argon always seemed hostile. "What's with you? Why are you so aggressive?"

However, the female ignored him. A faint snarl escaped the girl's lips while scales resembling a snake slithered from her blue skin.

Al' Kaar surveyed outside and found dust still obscured his vision. "Look for yourself. It's not safe for me to leave right now."

The female argon glanced out and thought a moment before lowering her guard.

Al' Kaar sighed of relief. He found a suitable place to sit, leaning against the cave wall. He looked at the female argon, who still watched him warily, and smiled. "We haven't formally introduced ourselves. I'm Al' Kaar."

The girl shifted her attention to Kamal, but the camel showed no interest in exchanging greetings and sat right on the way out.

The female argon crossed her arms, inadvertently accentuating her graceful silhouette. "I'm Rilka. You are in my house. You should leave once the storm's gone."

A forbidden desire overcame Al' Kaar. He quickly averted his gaze. He removed the robe covering his body and then tossed it to the girl. "Put this on."

But Rilka let that white cloth fall near her feet and examined it with a furrowed brow. "Why should I wear it?"

"Because of your gender," Al' Kaar replied, his expression slightly unsettled, "and your natural allure is quite captivating."

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Copyright Luna S.Winterheart

Chronicles of Zigrora : Wings of The Desert : Epic Fantasy Romance ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now