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The desert night breeze blew quite strongly, making Rilka curl uncomfortably in search of warmth. Those nasty humans tied her to a date palm tree. Now, she lay on her side, looking at her captors with a fearful expression. She didn't know what mistake she had made or why the humans entered her house only to drag her away to an unfamiliar place.

The aroma of the grilled meat wafted into Rilka's nostrils, causing her hungry stomach to growl. A few tears trickled down her cheeks. She had never imagined that this would happen to her. She had envisioned a peaceful life in a cave, selecting a mate or two and raising her offspring, much like the other female argons. Instead, she found herself attached to a somewhat rational male argon who compelled her to embrace human customs and humans who dragged her around like an animal.

Rilka's gaze shifted to the small fox that had been their target for torment. One of the humans had cut off the creature's tail when it tried to attack while being fed.

The creature known as Kitsune lay weakly with rapid breaths, probably dying from the blood oozing out.

Rilka swallowed to moisten her dry throat. Her fate wasn't much different; The humans had kicked her a few times for not keeping up. However, her natural ability to heal allowed her to maintain normal breathing.

A man turned toward Rilka and tossed the remains of his dinner bones at her, calling out, "Eat that, Lizard Girl!"

Rilka instinctively recoiled, rising with her hands and bent knees. She saw the meat clinging to the bones and bit her lip. She was famished. But her dignity refused to let her feast on scraps from humans.

Her captors ignored her, engrossed in their conversation and jokes. Rilka's body trembled from exhaustion. She needed to eat.

Amid the moment when self-esteem and the instinct to survive battled in Rilka's heart, she suddenly spotted a camel approaching from the distance.

Rilka's eyes widened. She knew that camel! Al' Kaar!

The man seemed to be in a hurry. Rilka struggled to stand, calling out Al' Kaar's name. However, her throat burned painfully.

Rilka's sudden movement caught Peter's attention, causing him to stand and observe Al' Kaar's arrival, followed by three other companions.


Al' Kaar's heart raced with fear as he saw four human figures standing near a bonfire. He hadn't initially spotted Rilka, hidden in the shadows of the trees, and had only intended to ask for directions.

However, Al' Kaar caught his breath as he got closer. His yellow eyes widened at the sight of Rilka, bound like an animal beside a cage containing a dying creature.

Al' Kaar leaped down in front of the humans, who regarded him warily. He tried to contain his panic and offered a broad smile.

"Good evening, gentlemen."

"That lizard can speak our language," the tallest man whispered, clearly surprised.

Al' Kaar tilted his head and gazed sharply at the man. "Please, sir, using the term lizard is rather impolite."

The man grimaced, likely due to surprise or disgust. However, Al' Kaar ignored his reaction and looked at all of them. "May I know why you chained the girl?"

The gaze of the four men shifted to the female argon, who was attempting to free herself from the chain around her neck using her grimy fingers.

Al' Kaar clenched his teeth, containing his anger. Rilka looked utterly pitiful. Sand particles dirtied her beautiful hair, and her tear-streaked face revealed her recent weeping.

Yet, Al' Kaar's emotions softened as he noticed that Rilka wore the garment. She must have kept her promise, and the humans hadn't violated her.

"We found her in a cave," Peter answered with a wide grin. "She tried to attack us, so we decided to take her."

Al' Kaar gritted his teeth briefly. He put on a composed expression and said, "Perhaps because you entered without the owner's permission... Could you release the girl? She doesn't deserve such treatment."

Once again, the four men turned their gaze toward the female argon as Rilka struggled to free herself. The girl's face displayed frustration and terror.

Al' Kaar tried to steady his breath, holding back his anger. The sound of the chain scraping against the tree and Rilka's whimper boiled Al' Kaar's blood. However, he restrained himself. "Sir, please release the girl."

Peter Rainboal glanced at Rilka and Al' Kaar before clicking his tongue. "You seem to understand how humans do business. Do you have gold to redeem her?"

"You've kidnapped a girl from her home and are asking for payment to set her free?" Al' Kaar asked incredulously. The human's offer nearly took the male argon aback.

"Well, that's how our system works. You've got a lot to learn", Peter Rainboal grinned, displaying his row of black teeth. His three companions chuckled in response to their conversation.

Al' Kaar pressed his lips tightly, feeling the humans were playing him. All the lessons he'd learned about etiquette and culture raced through his mind. But it seemed he was more humane than the original humans.

Al' Kaar reached for the pouch hanging from his waist. He carried a few pieces of gold to use in case he encountered travelers selling captivating items. He could use it to buy Rilka.

"How much?"

The tallest man whistled. "The lizard has gold."

"Hey! Shut your mouth!" Peter scolded his subordinates before turning to Al' Kaar with greed in his eyes. "We plan to sell her to the circus for a hundred pieces of gold."

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Copyright Luna S.Winterheart

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