Part 3

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After this I will be skipping to canon

After charging at them, I created my water blades and went for Aether, as he would be the more difficult one to take out. I saw Hu Tao try getting close, so I threw one of my blades at her and made a new one instantly. But in doing so, I caused an opening, which Aether used to attack me, which made me use Ayato's elemental skill. Aether was confused by Kamisato Art: Kyoka, but he decided to charge towards it in order to try to pass through the watery illusion, and just as he was about to touch it, it exploded, sending water on both Aether and Hu Tao, which gave me the idea to quickly switch to my electro quirk. I dashed at them and hit them both with an electro sword.

After I hit them, they got stunned, which gave me time to put capture tape on them, getting them out of the round. Then, as I was about to head up and help Kazuha, I heard, "Heroes win; all villains have been captured." I went to help up Hu Tao and Aether, and they both accepted, albeit disappointed that they couldn't win even with the numerical advantage. Hu Tao was more disappointed because she didn't even get a chance to fight.

Few minutes earlier Kazuha Pov:

After I made my way up, I heard Kaminari tell me Lumine was guarding the hostage, which wasn't part of the plan, so I asked if he would be ok or needed help. He said he would be fine, so I made my way towards the room with the hostage. And before I entered, I checked to see if Lumine was in the room, which I couldn't tell from the crack I made opening the door, so I entered slowly, seeing as there are pillars she could hide behind. As I was about halfway through the room, I heard something behind me, so I turned around with my back towards the dummy hostage while jumping back and noticed Lumines' sword where I just was.

I unsheathed my sword, getting ready for a fight that started right away as she went for a quick slice towards my chest, causing me to block it. The hit sent me sliding back a little on my feet. I then went for five rapid strikes. Lumine blocked the first two but got hit with the rest. Then I decided to try what Kaminari said, using my quirk to attack with the wind, and I said the name of my new attack. "Palm Vortex!" It sucked in everything around it and then launched it away while also being sharp enough to make small cuts. Using the chance of her being stunned by being launched across the room, I ran to her and put capture tape on her.

Ajax Pov:

After changing back into our school uniform, we were now in the classroom as Aizawa told us what we did wrong. "Now, Hu Tao, you shouldn't stand by and wait for your opponent to finish fighting your ally; you should coordinate with them and try to attack when you see an opening that would give your ally a chance to attack as well. Aether, you need to work on using your quirk while fighting with your sword. I noticed you didn't even try using it." They both looked down slightly. Then it was Lumine's turn. "Lumine, you also didn't try to use your quirk. Not to mention, if you want to do a sneak attack like that, be quieter."

Next was Kazuha. "Kaedehara, you need to work on more attacks with your quirk, and from what I saw before the match started, you can add elements to your wind. Find a way to do that alone, with support gear or not. You also need to work on your stealth and speed more." Then he looked at me, and I heard a sigh come from him. "Kaminari, practice using both quirks at the same time to reduce your Electro quirk's energy drain and to learn how to fight without using your quirks to make your swords." Then he looked at everyone and told us to go home.

When I got home, I found Mom eating and Denki sleeping with his head on the table. I asked Mom why he was sleeping, and she said he just spent too much energy running around at school while also accidentally firing off his quirk at low voltage. I nodded my head and asked if she wanted me to make dinner or if she wanted to make it herself, which got the normal answer of me making dinner. And I don't mind making it; I like cooking, but having to swap between Japanese and American food can get annoying at times. But I decided to go with pizza this time; this would be the second time I've made it in this life and the second time Denki has eaten pizza.

After making dinner, waking up Denki, and eating, I went outside to try to make a electro elemental skill. Kuki Shinobu's Sanctifying Ring is the elemental skill I'm attempting to replicate. It's difficult because I've never tried forming electricity outside of my weapons, and the few times I did, it flew off my body in sparks. But after a few hours, I was able to do it, even if it only lasted a few seconds. I also noticed that it healed the minor injuries I got from it backfiring, but I did it anyway, so I decided to go to sleep.

For the next 3 years at UA, it was pretty normal. We did normal classes, then every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we did hero training, sometimes throwing in quirkless combat. However, nothing exciting happened in the three years I was there. After graduating, me and the others opened our own agency, and we were already in the top 100. We became popular quite quickly and now in a few years the canon events will start.

Reincarnated into MHA as Tartaglia. [Old]Where stories live. Discover now