Part 14

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It's been a few days since I left the hospital, and I am currently fighting both Izuku and Todoroki. "You both are doing good." I dodged another attack after saying that. Todoroki's attacks are getting pretty predictable; he uses his anemo orbs so much in fights that he is starting to rely on them. While Izuku overuses his elemental skills, everyone with visions or vision abilities does this, so it is something we are good at correcting.

I blocked both of their attacks and said. "Alright, time for a break." Both of them stopped attacking and fell to the ground, tired from the fight. I went over and grabbed three cold water bottles and threw two at them. "You two have improved, but there is something you can work on. Todoroki, you need to work on new attacks; you use your anemo orbs too much and are becoming dependent on them in battle. Midoriya, you need to stop using your vision as much as you do. You are draining your energy faster when you miss multiple elemental skills.

I then told them to rest for 10 minutes, then get ready to leave or patrol. I walked over to Eri, who was watching the fight while sitting on a bench. "So, Eri, I spoke to Aizawa, and he said you could start training after the internships are done." She hugged me and said a small, thank you. I picked her up, and we left towards the cafeteria in the agency.

Once we finished eating, I let her roam around the agency since I knew Aether or Lumine would be with her. I got ready for patrol with Izuku while Kazuha got ready for patrol with Todoroki. "Midoriya, while on patrol, I will be addressing you by your hero name, just like at the raid, got it?" I saw him nod, and we left for Jaku city.

We patrolled for an hour, putting a stop to a few muggings and minor villain attacks. Some kids came and asked for an autograph from Midoriya since they recognized him from the sports festival. Then we got called to a robbery that was going on; a new group of villains that started showing up around a week ago was robbing some stores until they spotted me and made a run for it.

We chased after them, with Midoriya catching one and knocking him out, then waiting for the police to pick him up before he started running after them again. I created hydro daggers and threw one at one of the thugs' legs, causing him to trip and allowing me to catch him. I had a hero make sure the police got him before running after the last guy.

Once the last one noticed the other two gone, he stopped and turned towards me, and I saw him activate his quirk, which caused him to grow arms made of nothing but bone. 'He should be easy to deal with, though he's probably not at full strength right now and is hiding what he can do with his quirk.'

He charged at me and tried punching me, but I dodged the few punches he sent. He tried sending a kick at me, only for me to grab it and throw him. He got up and charged at me again, this time growing more arms and trying to hit me with them.

I was able to avoid most of them, but he still managed to land some blows—not many, but with the number of arms he possesses, it is becoming more difficult to block them all. I created a hydro sword and sent a diagonal slash at him, which he blocked with two bone arms. I then threw two extra daggers I had made earlier at him. He dodged pretty quickly, but was soon hit with ice.

I looked to the side and saw Izuku standing there, his sword pointed toward the thug as it shot out ice. I took the chance to knock the thug out while he was distracted. "Good job, Chongyun, were you able to capture the other one?" Izuku looked at me and nodded. "The police have him, and they should be heading this way to pick him up." I thanked him as we waited for the police.

After the police got here, they took the thug as well as the stolen money to return it. Me and Izuku soon returned to our patrol, and we kept stopping a few muggings. This went on for two more hours until we got onto a train to return to the agency.

"You did pretty well today, Midoriya, though we may have to work on your speed; it took awhile for you to catch up to the thugs during some of the robberies." He nodded and looked out the window of the train, though he got up pretty quickly, which made me look outside as well, only to see smoke coming from a city. Soon, a nomu crashed into the train. I dealt with it while Chongyun got the civilians out of danger.

I threw the nomu off the train and said. "Chongyun, I give you permission to use your quirk. Make sure the civilians are safe, then come help in the city." I jumped off the now-stopped train and ran after the nomu I threw. Once it landed on a road, I started fighting it. 'If I remember correctly, this nomu has absorption and release, so elemental skills are a no-go.'

I created hydro blades and started attacking the creature. It tried punching me, only for me to cut its arm off every time it tried. I quickly kicked it, accidentally launching it into a car in front of two people. Before it could hurt the two, Endeavor came and launched fire at it. I ran at the two still in front of the nomu and tackled them out of the way of the fire wave released from the nomu. "Endeavor! It can absorb any long-range attack, and it can also heal." He looked at it then ran forward, punching it.

I looked at the two I saved and made sure they weren't hurt. After checking for wounds, I pointed in the opposite direction of the chaos and told them to go that way and get to safety. They left, and I charged at the nomu, who was fighting Endeavor still. I used a hydro sword to attack its brain, only for it to unleash another wave of fire.

"Endeavor I thought I told you it had absorption and release; if you attack it from a long distance, it will release it at anyone." He ignored me, and I charged at the nomu before he could do something stupid. This time, I aimed for the brain whenever I got the chance, and after cutting its arms off, I was able to kill it.

'I was hoping this attack wouldn't happen.' I then started running, looking for Iida, when I heard metal clashing against each other. I followed the sound and found Kazuha with a downed Iida and Native. I didn't want to distract him too much, so I just grabbed Native and got him out of there, then went back to grab Iida.

On my way back, Izuku ran into me. "Chongyun, Kazuha is currently fighting the hero killer. I want you to come with me and grab Iida and get him out of here." I saw him nod as we ran towards where he was fighting. 'Kazuha could easily win this fight if he wasn't protecting Iida.'

When we got there, Stain was attacking Kazuha without stopping. Izuku grabbed Iida and got him out of there. I could hear him yell something about this being his responsibility or something like that. I stood to the side and told Kazuha. "The two have been taken to safety you can now fight seriously."

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